Friday, November 7, 2014

Where Chuck Schumer fears to tread

My correspondent in Brooklyn sent in these photos of the multitude of junk buses and campers being used for housing. They tend to be clustered together. Every one has out-of-state plates, so I guess Chuck Schumer hasn't biked around these parts and discovered this.


Anonymous said...

So, what? Are these people causing crime?

Anonymous said...

Chuck schumer is a useless politician yet the sheeple keep voting him into office.

Queens Crapper said...

Insurance fraud is a crime, o ignorant one.

Anonymous said...

Also, living in a vehicle is not exactly safe, as they run most of their crap off generators with electricity stolen from lampposts. I don't even want to know where they bathe and shit.

JQ said...

glorified white trash,plain and simple.

why don't these derelicts just go to the pan american hotel and squat there for a while,I am sure these are enlightened types.

are they waiting for the prospective 80-20 towers to get built so they can glom all the residences?Or possibly waiting for mayor mccray's official approval to start a settlement in newton creek.

as for shitting and bathing,I assume they have friends in the area living it up in their inflated rent apts to take care of their hygiene.Well not all of it,since disheveled,scruffy and immature is the look and attitude of generation gentrification.

Anonymous said...

Where does their poop go? Down the storm sewer?

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
So, what? Are these people causing crime?

Maybe yes, maybe no. To find out I recommend that these vehicles and their inhabitants get towed to YOUR neighborhood so you can find out for yourself. No doubt you'll enjoy living with such eyesores that lower property values at the very least.

Anonymous said...

So what? so where are the rest of us, who pay to register our vehicles in NY, supposed to park?

Anonymous said...

There has been such an RV parked on 37th St. between 19th and 20th Aves. in Astoria for at least the past year, next to the Best Supermarket parking lot. As far as I know it has never been ticketed or towed, as it has been in the exact same parking space all that time.

Anonymous said...

Anon NYC doesn't have storm sewers. We have a single sewer system, so runoff from the road gets mixed with your shit and has to be treated before being dumped in the river. Being able to handle the volume of waste water when it rains would be a real challenge, so instead they just discharge raw untreated sewage.

That's why they are building all those bioswales, divert some rain from the sewer system, unfortunately it's a losing battle against the third world scum paving every bit of grass around the crap boxes that overdevelopers throw up.

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