Friday, November 7, 2014

Hoping to finally figure it out

From DNA Info:

The city is coming up with an "action plan" for Jamaica in an attempt to revitalize the neighborhood, and is looking for community input ahead of the plan's announcement next month, city officials said.

Residents and business owners will get a chance to submit their ideas about how to improve their neighborhood during a city-organized workshop at York College on Nov. 22.

Officials said that participants, including property owners and community leaders, will discuss issues such as housing, commercial revitalization, workforce development, training and education for young people, transportation and use of public space.

Residents will be asked to mark locations where they believe the improvements are most needed on the maps of the area.

The recommendations from the workshop, organized by the Mayor’s office in partnership with Queens Borough President, Melinda Katz, will be presented to city and state agencies and taken into consideration in drafting the "action plan" for Jamaica.

The workshop, which is open to the public, comes on the heels of a meeting held at York College in June, during which Alicia Glen, New York City's deputy mayor for housing and economic development, said that the current administration is very committed to developing the area.


Anonymous said...

What has the Jamaica Improvement Partnership/Corporation been doing for the last 25 years? Just keep throwing money at them and they will sure as hell find a way to waste it!

Anonymous said...

Jamaica, Once you go, you're gone.

georgetheatheist said...

Here's my 2 cents:

Instead of putting that humongous Ferris wheel in Staten Island put it on Jamaica Avenue.

Anonymous said...

I assume by residents they mean homeless scum and by improvements they mean "which cameras do you want turned off so you can shit in peace?"

Anonymous said...

They need to reduce the space given to cars and increase bike, pedestrian, and transit facilities in the area.

Anonymous said...

Last 25 years?? Where have they been for the last 40 or 45 years? Jamaica has been a shithole since the late 60s when the majority of people of un-color started pulling out. There will be no "fix" until asians or hipsters dewcided they want to buy in. Issue closed.

Anonymous said...

"Once you go, you know"
Sounds like a public service announcement about gonorrhea.

Anonymous said...

Here it is:

Action Plan: Deportations and Evictions, and Arrests.

There, Jamaica is all better now.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to see the stretch of 94th Avenue between Van Wyck Expressway and Sutphin Boulevard renamed as a continuation of Atlantic Avenue.

Joe Moretti said...

Wipe the entire slate clean and start over..........and if you are going to move in low-class slobs, low-class immigrants, etc, contain them in a certain area, where they can all live together but stay out of the decent population.

Anonymous said...

Amen Joe put them all in one area. Until gentrifier scum like you move in then ship them somewhere else right?

JQ said...

wait for the ny times piece on jamaica for the developer and real estate predators and the willful oblivious city planners to swarm in

if they stop writing about ridgewood first.

Anonymous said...

The typeface was stolen from the old ad campaign for the Jamaica tourist board. won't work . Jamaica...the a far throw from Jamaica Queens. I believe that Doyle Dane Bernbach Advertising Inc. did the iconic Jamaica tourism ads ...1960s thru 1970s. What a pack of cheap crooks Queens produces. Brooklyn crooks are smarter and more resourceful.

Anonymous said...

I can see that on a billboard on Archer Av at about 2 AM while I"m trying to dodge some mugger intent on robbing me as I exit the railroad station. Come back to Jamaica for treatment in Jamaica Hospitial...LOL!

Queens Crapper said...

It's actually an ad for the country of Jamaica, not Jamaica, Queens. But I thought it was appropriate.

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