Thursday, November 6, 2014

Con man tossed from stolen house by judge

From the Daily News:

A Queens judge on Wednesday denied a bid by an ex-con accused of stealing a 70-year-old woman’s house to stay in the home — and gave him 10 days to clear out.

Darrell Beatty, 49, was arrested on grand larceny and other charges last month for allegedly forging a deed to Jennifer Merin’s Laurelton home — and then moving into the three-bedroom house with his two sons and their pit bull.

As the Daily News first reported Tuesday, Beatty posted his bail Oct. 22 — and moved right back in.

Both Beatty and Merin were in Queens Housing Court on Wednesday for a hearing before Judge Inez Hoyos.

Hoyos had previously ordered Beatty out of the house, but the supposed squatter filed emergency court papers to stay there while he continued to fight the eviction.


Anonymous said...

10 Days to vacate??? He should be in JAIL!!

Joe Moretti said...

Something is majorly wrong with the system, that 1) this could even happen and 2) that this person is still allowed to live there even though he will be eventually removed.

Anonymous said...

You can't make stuff like this up....

Anonymous said...

I'm sure by the time he is evicted he will have destroyed the house. This guy is a piece of shit

Anonymous said...

This is Duh Blazio's new housing plan, right? Take houses from the "rich" and give them to derelicts, the homeless, illegals, and his wife's and Al Sharpton's friends. Also, what job does this piece of shit have that pays for a cell phone?

Gary W said...

Maybe it will take him ten days to get all the copper wire out of the walls.

Anonymous said...

His release should have been conditional on posting $100,000 to be applied against damage done to the house during his period of illegal occupation -- or should I call it faux-documented occupation?

He's probably judgement-proof in any case.

Gary the Agnostic said...

No way in the world that this is the only time that this has happened. How many similar cases are there like this?

Rachel said...

My husband and I closed on our house in Ridgewood December 20, 2013 but before that could happen we had to help the owner remove the scumbag's who had moved in and claimed they had a lease on the 1st floor apartment. The home owner was an elderly woman who had a fall in March of last year and after rehab her family moved her down to Florida to be closer and put the house on the market. The upstairs tenant, who we knew was trouble, lived up to it by moving her friends into the first floor. The scumbag actually went before the housing court judge and asked for $6000 to leave. This actually infuriated the usually very tenant friendly judge and she set the trial for the same day. Showing just how lenient housing court is they were given 30 days to get out. It was a tremendously gratifying experience when they were arrested removing the old woman's furniture out of the house in front of the police.

From what I can tell this has become a common problem not only here but in major cities across the country.

Anonymous said...

Jail this ape already!

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