Monday, September 8, 2014

You are who your friends are

Let's recap who supports John Liu, and in turn supports everything dubious:

Reps. Joe Crowley, Grace Meng and Gregory Meeks

Former Congress Member Gary Ackerman

The NY Times, The Daily Kos & Queens Politics

New York Communities for Change, CWA Local 1180, UCFW Local 1500, the New York City Coalition of Operating Engineers, the Council of School Supervisors and Administrators, and the Working Families Party

The Queens Times, Queens Gazette and Queens Tribune

State Senator Liz Krueger and Manhattan BP Gale Brewer

Queens Borough President Melinda Katz; and practically every Democratic assemblymember and senator in Albany, and in the City Council in New York.

Civic leaders

Holy macaroni, there are a lot of dumb, brainwashed bunnies in politics! (And I didn't even include them all.) You'll also note the way he tries to make it seem like Cuomo endorsed him, when he didn't:


Anonymous said...

Let's remember that the "Old Grey Lady" isn't what it was when we were children.

The NY Times is a wing of the uber-loon wing of the Democratic Party and they carry the water they are told to carry.

Liu is a tool of the labor unions and would destroy the state to give them a nickel.

I predict he goes down again.

Anonymous said...

You forgot Vallone

Queens Crapper said...

No, he's covered in the next to last mention.

Anonymous said...

The are all losers.
what have them done for the city so far nothing what make you think they will do later the same. Don't waste your time supporting them.
All mafia depending on city jobs.

Anonymous said...

Why do these asswipes think a Democratic primary is about who is most loyal to Joe Crowley and not about who is best to represent the district?

Does Democrat or Republican even matter in a NYC election? They're all the same.

Anonymous said...

Wow, there are a lot of people in power that are frightened of you, dear people.

What would happen if you ever get your shit together?

Anonymous said...

I'm really glad for this election it has done a great job of separating the real leaders from the "career politicians".

I believe the latter has now been exposed by endorsing Liu.

I'm keeping a list. I knew Vallone and Katz would be on it but some of the other sheep that are on it were surprising to me.

This list is actually better than any other campaign propaganda.

Next time there's an election I'm just going to use this to make sure I don't vote for any idiot that was stupid and spineless enough to back Liu.

Anonymous said...

Next time there's an election I'm just going to use this to make sure I don't vote for any idiot that was stupid and spineless enough to back Liu.

Gotta organize. You individual efforts aint worth a cup of warm spit unless you get others to go along.

Plenty of others.

Anonymous said...

the chickens have come home to roost for the dem(infiltrated by Marxists) party.

just ask Barry Hossain Obama and the Rev. (G--Damn America)Wright .

Anonymous said...

Grace Meng is a crook just like her father Jimmy. This is one big basket of rotten apples.

Aesop said...

You are known by the company you keep.

Anonymous said...

Well, John Liu and his supporters is why Queens looks like this and is a complete joke throughout the city.

Do you think they want anyone involved in Queens that has any interest in the boro or its people?

People all over NY are smirking that someone like Liu has this support.

The only good thing is that he will not serve out his term - the Feds will see to that.

Anonymous said...

the owners of the newly opened KON-GEN INTERNATIONAL PRESCHOOL,at 196-25 42Ave in Auburndale/Bayside are <main street landlords and donors of J.Liu/P.Koo.

by changing the address from 196-29 42Ave , there is no record on the dept of buildings website that they were fined over $60,000.00 in violations (which disappeared eventually (unpaid).

is a playspace for 200 four year olds ON THE ROOF SAFE AND ?

would you place your child in a sub basement room and pay for the priviledge ?

the BSA approved this building .

Anonymous said...

RE:KON-GEN PRESCHOOL, a sign on the school states:" FREE U.P.K for 4year olds".

does that mean that the taxpayer subsidizes the cost and Obama is going to pay for the fee ?

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