Friday, September 5, 2014

Remembering old Forest Hills and Rockaway


Anonymous said...

So many neighborhoods in Queens used to have a tremendous sense of place. That was destroyed to make room for everyone to drive. We may have gained mobility, but it came at a heavy price.

We're Queens - We Can't Have Nice Things said...

Flushing was not destroyed by cars but by the "vibrant and diverse!"

Our politicians sold us out! QC commenters keep saying to vote in different pols but THEY ALL SUCK!

Except Tony Avella! The only honest politician in Queens, perhaps the entire city!

Anonymous said...

So many neighborhoods in Queens used to have a tremendous sense of place. That was destroyed to make room for everyone to drive. We may have gained mobility, but it came at a heavy price.

The same tired argument has been used about American small towns in general and the rise of surburbia; it's not unique to Queens.

But the fact is, cars have made our lives infinitely better. It's not the fault of technology that low class humans use it.

Anonymous said...

The issue isn't just the bad drivers anon 3, or that the mobility cars afford let any scum reach your neighborhood, it's that cars are loud, dirty, dangerous, and just generally unpleasant to be around. So the public commons gets reduced from everything between buildings to small oases of green in a handful of parks.

Anon 2 is there a place with high traffic levels that is pleasant to walk around? A template for a redesigned streetspace in queens?

I don't deny the mobility that cars afford, but ask if there's a way to preserve that mobility and at the same time recreate some of what was lost.

Anonymous said...

Anon #4, "loud, dirty, dangerous, and just generally unpleasant to be around" What do you think horse and buggies were?

It's one thing to landmark buildings, but quite another to dictate what people should be driving on the road daily.

Anonymous said...

"It's one thing to landmark buildings, but quite another to dictate what people should be driving on the road daily."


I don't hate cars. I have a car and use it almost every day. Just because cars are useful don't blind yourself to the trouble they cause.

Ned said...

"Our politicians sold us out"
:) :) Ohh Ooh Ohh, Bang all the pots and pans HAPPY NEW YEAR you "armchair" warriors are just realizing what all the IN THE FIELD & TRENCH educated have been telling you for years now ?
WHY you people still elect and continue to re-elect shit till the term limits or they croak I have no idea.
DeBlazio, Crowleys, Cats, Cuomos and all the rest of Liberalnoia back stabbing shitters not excluding abundant Queens votes for a black president, a scumbag avowed racist, who claimed a gangster, rapist, felon, attacker and a doping thug such as Trayvon Martin could have been his son – oh really?
“Liberalnoia” was once considered a disease disproportionately associated with college campuses however it's now showing up at, parades, hipsterfests and gatherings like that 1964 World Fair anniversary fiasco. A disgrace with Katz and Crowly) where “Liberalnoia” is clearly identified by trademark mob mentality and hijacking.
Fact: Nests of “Liberaloia” are the most extreme manifestation of dangerous affliction. Severe property damage, moral and brain atrophy are often associated with it.

The only known cure for “Liberalnoia” in my opinion is a strong dose of reality.
"Boo Hoo Hoo Our politicians sold us out" Its to late now buddy, the ship is going down fast and its the bands last song.

I have no doubt the infinite sadness of some of you people will continue, R.I.P Queens. I was born in Bushwick when it was a tree lined streets of beautiful manicured homes brewery's called Williamsburg. It was a small wooden house with a huge yard and side yard. The city I knew has been murdered so I think I will move back to Mississippi or Texas. I had enough of this shit !

This "Our politicians sold us out" really took the cake. SHAME on some of you people and I bet most STILL can not comprehend why I declare this last comment !!


JQ said...

this is a great video,I like how the train ride to rockaway still looks the same from the window even to this day.

Anonymous said...

Yeah I always loved that train ride across the virgin marshland to Rockaway.
But now you get off Beach 98 or 116 and say "holy shit what the F happened here"
Lots of bums and impoverished, neglected inner city urban youth looking to "kick ass and split some white booty" with women going to the beach everyplace.

Breezy point is also messed up, even before the hurricane "new money" blew out all those cute bungalows into 2 story blinged & bloated crap with big plastic windows, plastic capping, plastic siding, massive wooden decks all the way out to the property lines removing every shrub in the process.
That's whey they all caught fire so fast and went up like gasoline despite what its local corrupt officials (who are all related to each other) said on the news.

Anonymous said...

Look at the population number on the sign and you'll see why Queens is what it is now versus then.

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