Saturday, September 6, 2014

Rabbi turns house into illegal synagogue

From the Queens Courier:

A Bayside homeowner is being accused of using his home as an illegal synagogue, according to city records.

The Department of Buildings received a complaint that Jacob Hasis, a rabbi, is using his 26th Avenue residence as a house of worship, in violation of its certificate of occupancy as a residence, a spokesman said.

“This property has many past issues so we take the complaints very seriously,” the DOB spokesman said.

Hasis acknowledged that residents complained to him about loud noise coming from his home. But he said that people mistake his large family of 12 and a couple of friends who come over for religious reasons as a synagogue.

“My family is 12 people and maybe another three or four of my friends come over to pray,” he said. “I don’t know why they were complaining.”

But in a flier that Hasis made, he invites “the whole community” to “Rabbi Yaakov’s shul for the high holidays service,” although the flier does say there is “limited space available” in the single-family home.

Hasis has a history of constructing additions to his home “illegally” and has paid $1,200 in fines to the city in regard to the property, according to the DOB spokesman.

The home also has three open violations relating to construction without the proper work permits. This construction includes creating entry doors for the cellar, two of which the DOB has deemed “immediately hazardous.”

The front yard of the house is filled with bricks, wheel barrels for cement and an abundance of wood.


Anonymous said...

Not surprised. The same crap is happening in Forest Hills.

Anonymous said...

Well, he is holding prayer services, not gambling or prostitution. Nothing wrong with this.

Anonymous said...

"Nothing wrong with this."

Why even have DOB rules for all houses of worship? If the place violates local codes, who cares? If the place collapses killing scores, who cares? If the place catches fire and people are incinerated or trampled to death, who cares?

Codes and rules just interfere with the right to worship and are unconstitutional. Give a couple of bucks to the local politician and all the problems will disappear.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah? Tell that to the DOB and FDNY.

Anonymous said...

I'm impressed that the DOB is enforcing the law equally on everyone. Usually is they suspect a church or religious activity they look the other way.

You don't have to be hosting a prostitution ring in order to be doing something illegal.

All the laws apply to everyone equally just because you are religious doesn't mean you are allowed to break them.

Anonymous said...

The neighbors have a right to complain. It has nothing to do with it being a House of worship. Noise is annoying, whether it is prayer or Drum playing. Between the noise and mess out front, it would definitely lower the neighbors property values.

JQ said...

this is probably going on with all faiths in Queens.Last sunday I saw a congregation in someones backyard.they squeezed in about 100 people and had giant speakers.

you can get away with anything if you have god on your side,or in the case of bayside abraham,or is it moses?

Anonymous said...

The Asians do the same thing!

Anonymous said...

He's probably human trafficking too.

Anonymous said...

Isn't this the same Bukkrah Rabbi Yaakov that was pointing to lawns, trees and back yards howling they were "wasted space" in a Queens Crap topic 3 years ago ?
These Bukharian Jews are a real pain in the ass, why cant they stay in their ugly Forest Hills colony's and leave neighborhoods alone ?
These Bukharian's have tried this blockbusting shit along Steamboat road in Great Neck also. The already destructive Iranians wanted no part of them and how they build.

that guy said...

how is that a possible when there's a 1000 asian homes turned into churches?

Anonymous said...

And they don't pay taxes as a result!!!

Anonymous said...

that guy said...
how is that a possible when there's a 1000 asian homes turned into churches?

Sunday, September 07, 2014
Anonymous said...
And they don't pay taxes as a result!!!



Anonymous said...

Their "houses' are houses of worship ,hence no taxes or less tax and the "houses of worship" are banks, why do you think all these homes are being paid in cash! Americans are the fools who pay their taxes, you need to be either the other cultures or religious fanatics to get away with all they do, they are ruining our neighborhoods, they are filthy, garbage divers,the prostitution, rumors of human trafficking, it has been reported on the news!Drug dealing, gambling, harassing us by knocking on our doors looking to buy our houses in cash! Are you getting it yet? We have been invaded and its not going away, look at our politicians, just as crooked, look the other way, so sad and so scary, they do not join the community, they colonize and take over, what are we going to do about it??

Anonymous said...

Call Katz and complain to her, she loves the Bukhs.

Anonymous said...

“My family is 12 people "

somebody needs to cut this guys dick off

Anonymous said...

But this guy IS paying his taxes!
Don't get me wrong, noise is noise and too many people are too many people - but he's not a fake synagogue dodging taxes like so many pretend Korean churches do.
I think it's nice that he invites the community for the high holy days, but I would not him on my block and I do NOT like work without permits!

Anonymous said...

I'm surprised that the Buildings Dept did anything - and I'm surprised the guy let them in. There are 2 houses on my block renting out basement apartments, and when I checked the DOB's online BIS system, it said they visited each house twice and both times were denied entry, so they closed the complaints.

Colls said...

Ha- This is all over. There is an illegal mosque on my block (86-45 231 Street, Bellrose Manor, Queens Village, NY). A 2 family home was converted illegally to a 4 family (and a family may be living in the GARAGE!) and the basement is a mosque. You can see the info here-,, and Numerous calls to 311 and complaints to the Department of Buildings get you no where. Nobody checks, nobody is fined, nobody cares. This is the state of Queens today.

Anonymous said...

I Live in kew gardens and these things are poping up all over . you should see how some of them are maintained or should I say not. they leave trash and debris all over the the fronts of these little make shift houses of worship.

JennyCakes said...

Hi all,

I am just googling some things now and I know I am late to the game here, but I am the closest and most direct neighbor next to Jacob Hasis, the owner of this synagogue/home. I am selling my house because of him-him and his 12 children, have been the most horrible neighbors that have given me hell for the past 20 years of living there. They do not care about others around them and have no respect for their neighbors. I constantly had garbage, broken toys in my backyard. They break my things and come onto my property. He definitely is lying and even has lied to me, that it is not a place of worship yet, I see what is going on.

They have been doing things illegally and treated their children like garbage-with no discipline for that matter. If their religion teaches them to be good to others and have a good heart, they are doing a good job faking the funk.

They have build a full blown basketball court in the backyard with a backboard that bangs all day long-and have people blocking my driveway all day long. There is constant action going in and out of the house and I haven't had a moment of peace and relaxation in my home.

I cannot begin to tell you saddened I am to leave my childhood home, but they made my life a living hell.

Thank you for letting me share my comments.

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