Thursday, September 4, 2014

Malcolm Smith confident in win

From WPIX:

Despite facing retrial on federal bribery charges in January and difficulties raising campaign funds, Sen. Malcolm Smith remains optimistic about re-election.

Smith has held a seat on the State Senate for 14 years. His most formidable challenger is former city Councilman Leroy Comrie, who has the backing of the Queens Democratic Party and a number of unions, including the 120,000-member Teamsters Joint Council 16.

Some of the pundits say the race could be a toss up. The question is can the candidate under the cloud of serious felony charges overcome the stigma of a federal indictment and win re-election to the Senate. Smith believes he can.

I like the condition of the American flag outside his office...


Anonymous said...

Halloran too was confident on winning. It took the jury less than ninety minutes to convict on five counts.
Buh-bye Danny. Good riddance Malcolm.

Anonymous said...

No shame. No shame. And shithead voters will still support this slimiest of slimeballs.

Anonymous said...

Seriously, what is he supposed to say? He thinks he'll lose but drain his finances anyway?

Anonymous said...

Why do an interview at all?

Anonymous said...

"Seriously, what is he supposed to say?"

How about, "I resign in disgrace form the office of state senator."

Or, "I'm truly sorry for betraying your trust."

Or, "I will not run for re-election."

But we all forget, politicians are never guilty. It's always someone else's fault or malicious prosecution or a conspiracy.

Anonymous said...

Maybe he paid someone off (again)...

Joe Moretti said...

What a bunch of shit and what really is a point of doing this story. Leroy Comrie is no better either, a pretty pompous and useless leader. And the endorsement of Rev. Flake, huh, a majorly corrupt and questionable church leaders

The other candidate, who Smith did not name, is Munir Avery. who the people should vote for, not the same old crap that Jamaica has been cranking out.

Funny, there were 4 other candidates, but somehow attorney Clyde Vanel dropped out (more like Comrie and the machine put pressure on or cut a deal) and then Comrie got highly intelligent and very educated Navy Vet and Wounded Warrior, who actually knows her way around DC, Bernadette Semple, off the election with that bullshit petitioning signatures crap that stacks the deck in favor of the Democratic machine. Time to end that bullshit ploy and let the people make the decision, not leaders.

Keep electing shit in Jamaica and keep expecting Jamaica to be shit.

georgetheatheist said...

He starts with his Christian faith.

Go and sin no more.

Anonymous said...

He keeps using the word 'delivering'. What exactly has he delivered to his constituents? Can he be even a wee bit specific, or does he just realize that he's full of it?

I've always called Malcolm Smith the 'Cheshire Cat of Albany'. He's there, and he's not there - good luck pinning him down on an issue or getting him to name just one accomplishment. He'll simply disappear into thin air, leaving nothing behind but that smug, arrogant, shit eating grin for the cameras. - Andrew

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