Monday, September 8, 2014

Liu's donor list reveals interesting repeat contributors

Taking a look at John Liu's current donors seems to indicate that many of those listed as having donated during the illegal Fukien Benevolent Association fundraiser (reported 6/29 & 6/30/14) are repeat John Liu donors, and even more interesting, quite a few gave $800 toward his 2013 mayoral campaign during the time that Liu's 2 convicted campaigners were working for him.

You can read into this what you wish.


Anonymous said...

Is it true that only the straw donors gave $800?

Anonymous said...

it is look terrible. This elections is for the benefit of the people or the mob.

Anonymous said...

Isn't 8 a lucky number for the Chinese?

Anonymous said...

Lung Fong Chen is a disbarred lawyer who served the notorious criminal Tommy Huang

Anonymous said...

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