Sunday, September 7, 2014

Former Astoria theater sells for $32M

From the Queens Courier:

A corner retail building near the heart of Astoria’s Steinway Street commercial strip has been sold for $32 million.

Realty service Massey Knakal, which handled the transaction, announced the sale Friday of 2856-2860 Steinway St., which occupies the entire block front of 30th Avenue between Steinway and 38th streets in the burgeoning neighborhood.

The building houses a trio of long-term leases for New York Sports Club, JP Morgan Chase Bank and Duane Reade in more than 37,000 square feet. The sale breaks down to $627 per square foot.

The transaction indicates that investors are coming over from Manhattan and looking for new opportunities elsewhere, according to Massey Knakal chair Bob Knakal.

Hey, remember when that was actually a theater?


Anonymous said...

What's a theater?

Anonymous said...

Remember when theaters didn't have bedbug problems?

Anonymous said...

It wasn't the greatest theater, the two lower auditoriums in te basement were rat infested. But I would gladly take the old Astoria any day over the bed bug ingested, third world Regal Kaufman.

Anonymous said...

The transaction indicates that investors are coming over from Manhattan and looking for new opportunities elsewhere, according to Massey Knakal chair Bob Knakal.
And this is breaking news to these rocket scientists? I really wish Manhattanites would stop "discovering" Astoria. It seems like they discover it every few months and just make it more uninhabitable.

Anonymous said...

Hey, remember when that was actually a theater?

Every community had a theater that would have been a perfect place as a community gathering place / performance space.

But the concept of community is systematically undermined to make them easy prey to developers.

Besides, you have that multimillion dollar summer stock that you have to take a car to see - Queens Theater so who needs real venues that are near transit centers?

Anonymous said...

Midnight showings of Dawn of the Dead, plenty of cold Buds and a little MJ for those that partook. Huge hulking theatre manger looked the other way as long as you behaved. Those were the days....

Linda A. Metzger said... has a picture of the former theatre!

JQ said...

no one is going to movies anymore.
they watch them on smartphones.

you would think with all the filming that has been going on in the past 12 years,disrupting people's lives,these venues would still be profitable.

as for bedbugs,we have all these tourists,trustafarians,and hipsters to thank for that.oh,and Filthy MTA workers also.

georgetheatheist said...

Remember when it was a theater? Hell I remember the matrons in the children's section. And it cost 30 cents to get in. When "South Pacific" came out, the place was packed for days.

Anonymous said...

I watched Titanic there!!

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