Sunday, September 7, 2014

DeBlasio a less transparent mayor than predecessors

From the NY Post:

Remember when Bill de Blasio, the People’s Mayor and not at all one of those imperious out-of-touch/out-of-town billionaires, promised a new era of transparency in city government?
Now that he’s in charge, he’s about as transparent as oak.

This week the Press Club of New York blasted de Blasio in an open letter that said, “You have departed from a precedent set by at least eight mayors before you, which has been to take questions in open press conferences without restriction as to the subject matter.”

That doesn’t sound like the Billy Blazes we were promised.

“I will increase transparency with a series of reforms of the Freedom of Information Law,” candidate de Blasio told the New York City Bar in an interview published in 2013.

“I will include FOIL [Freedom of Information Law] statistics in the Mayor’s Management Report . . . I will also levy fines and penalties against city agencies that regularly duck and delay FOIL requests, and proactively post online information that is most-frequently sought by FOIL request . . . I have continued to go beyond the current laws when it comes to transparency and disclosure and will continue these practices when Mayor.”

These days, though, de Blasio has established an alarming habit of walling off reporters from his public appearances. By May he had already logged 83 events at which journalist access was restricted or barred.

At press conferences, he bristles when asked a question he doesn’t want to answer, telling the hacks that they’ve gone “off topic,” a phrase de Blasio evidently hopes sounds less self-incriminating than “no comment.”

The trick is this: de Blasio holds a presser, warns everyone to stay on topic, then answers questions on anything that comes up. Until he is presented with a question he doesn’t like: Then he swats it away for being “off topic.”

Meanwhile, the unanswered FOIL requests are piling up.


Anonymous said...

Could you expect anything other from a career politician ?

Anonymous said...

And the idiots of this city will give him another term, these leftists are never held accountable for their actions and they are never responsible for the chaos and disorder they create

Anonymous said...

History repeats.

Progressives promising openness.

Our current elected representatives.

Anonymous said...

he's the mayor almost a year and he couldn't fix the our community problem. We are very disappointed.

Anonymous said...

There is a simple explanation, he's a dishonest and dishonorable man

Anonymous said...

Socialists always hide their true intents.

Go read Animal Farm.

Anonymous said...

No Second term! No second term! Come on Crappy....No second term!

Anonymous said...

#3... do not forget the STALIN-HITLER PACT of 1939. they were going to share Europe by invasion, until Hitler got greedy and attacked the USSR.

similar to what Russian president PUTIN is doing today with the invasion of the .

the communist promise of hope then always resulted in CHAOS,PURGES/WAR and ASSASINATION.

beware ...beware

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