Friday, September 5, 2014

Apelian and Vallone support never ending variance

Dear Civic Leaders:

The Station Road Civic Association is asking for your help in opposing a variance renewal request for Utopia Realty located at 167-02 Northern Blvd. The matter is on the CB 7 meeting calendar for Monday September 8, 2014 at 7:00pm. (at the Union Plaza Care Center located at 33-23 Union Street) The variance request is for extension of the term of variance for a one story building that is occupied as a real estate office. The April 18, 1990 extension included a provision that states “there shall be no change in ownership or operating control without prior application to and approval from the Board”. The provision was continued in the 1999 variance renewal. The applicant now requests that this provision be removed. We have been informed that the provision was inserted due to the location of the property within an area covered by the Rickert-Finlay covenant.

The current operator of Utopia Realty is the son of the owner of the property, Paul Luciano. He has no ties to the community and currently lives in Sag Harbor. Though he professes no intention to immediately sell the property or business, the sale will undoubtedly occur within the next few years. He is looking to the removal of this clause and the renewal of the variance for as long a time as possible as a means to maximize his inheritance.

We believe the restriction should be maintained to give the community a means of control over the next occupant and to make that occupant aware of and accountable for the restrictions placed on the property from the inception of their occupancy/ownership. We do not oppose the granting of a 10 year extension so long as the clause remains.

The opposing argument, proposed by Chuck Apelian, is that the cost of a variance is a burden on a property/business owner and should be a one- time event, that once obtained, continues in perpetuity. This variance renewal would be that one time event. We estimate the cost of a variance over its entire duration is about $100/month.

Why the Community Board vice-chair is concerned with the financial welfare of an heir or a successor owner, who if due diligence is done before the purchase will know that the property comes with the extra expense of a variance is beyond logical reasoning.

There is no reason why the Community Board, Borough President or the BSA should be willing to give up their power to regulate and oversee businesses to make them better community members. Once one applicant receives such a “forever” variance, every other applicant will want one too.

Hypothetically, once a business obtains a “forever” variance it is a small step to then request a change in zoning. The theory would be that I have a perpetual variance, so why not just change the zoning to make it legal, there really would be no difference, except for the opportunity to change the type of business and size of the premises, which is actually a really big difference. Mr Apelian contends that the businesses coming in want the re-zoning so they will exist in an area with a commercial overlay. It is a back door way to negate the zoning changes that were approved by the Community Board, Borough President and City Council only a few years ago.

This is a step that would have catastrophic consequences for northeast Queens and the entire city. The entire area along Northern Boulevard from 162 Street to 192 Street and beyond in both directions would be vulnerable to dramatic up-zoning that would render the area unrecognizable over time. Any increases in building size and density would then be requested by owners in adjoining areas.

To date we have met with Assemblyman Braunstein and Senator Avella and have spoken to Paul Graziano, all support our position and will attend or send representatives to the Community Board hearing. Councilman Vallone has not agreed to meet with us prior to the hearing.

Please support our position at the September 8th meeting. Please attend and sign up to speak. It is time for Northeast Queens civics to unite as one voice to acquire greater political clout. It is the only way we will be able to retain the physical integrity of our communities and our way of life against the onslaught of real estate development interests.

Thank you.
Rhea O’Gorman
Station Road Civic Association

The Vallone banner in the top photo has now been replaced by a John Liu banner. And this sign is in their front door:


Anonymous said...

Is anyone surprised? It was quite obvious to anyone who was paying attention during last year's campaign that this was exactly what northeastern Queens was in for if they elected Vallone. The voting public is incredibly stupid.

Anonymous said...

Some years ago, Apelian and Kelty engineered a CB 7 vote to repeal term limits for CB7 officers, thus assuring that Apelian will forever be its Zoning Chairman and Kelty CB7 its Chairman. They get to control zoning variances requests.

Anonymous said...

The train already left the station ...years ago. Just look at the landscape of Queens. Variances can be changed at the drop of a hat these days. Thank the politicians and the dumb electorate.

We're Queens - We Can't Have Nice Things said...

Rule of thumb - oppose anything supported by Stinky Vallone - ESPECIALLY JOHN LIU!!!!!

Anonymous said...

One of the examples of the weak civic culture of Queens.

When Vallone started running QCC should have issued a report on what the Vallones did to Astoria.

When the community board decided to make themselves members for life QCC should have issued a report on what makes an effective community board like the ones they have in Manhattan or other areas.

Lifetime tenure by non-residents, as they have in CB1 Queens, another legacy of the Vallones, is not a good thing.

Anonymous said...

Why are "Pass the buck Chuck" and Sinky Vallone supporting a business owner who lives in Sag Harbor and not listening to the people who live in the community????

Is is because Luciano donated money $$$$ to Stinky Vallone's campaign.

The chickens have come home to roost.

If you voted for Vallone you should call him up and tell him to support his community!!!! Then hang up on him.

Anonymous said...

Why are "Pass the buck Chuck" and Sinky Vallone supporting a business owner who lives in Sag Harbor and not listening to the people who live in the community????

So write a letter to the press and call Vallone about this and report back to Crappy.

Anonymous said...

Anyone who had a Vallone sign on their lawn, should now put up an "I'm sorry" sign.

Vallone is trying to sell out our low density and allow ANY KIND of business to show up.

Shame on Vallone.

Why isn't he supporting the Aurburndale Civic Assocation or the Station Road Civic? They are his constituents.

This Lucky, oops I mean Paul Luciano is only out to make a profit, he doesn't live here. He lives in Sag Harbor and Stinky Vallone has his back and is going to CB7 monday night to support him.

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry l make a bad choice with Vallone but I'm not going to do with

Anonymous said...

Luciano bought Vallone on the

Anonymous said...

Luciano bought Vallone on the


So let me get this straight:

This realtor gives Vallone $500 for his campaign, puts up his banners and signs last year and now has John Liu signs on his business and his payback from Vallone is to give him a golden parachute in the form of a variance in perpetuity?

Sounds like a pretty good deal to me...wish I was that crooked so I could make oodles of money from a corrupt Councilmember's decision in my favor.

Anonymous said...

Vallone and Apelian ...snug as two bugs in a rug

Anonymous said...

Paul Vallone refused to meet with the civic leaders. Several requests for a meeting were made only to be told (in writing) that the CM was "too busy" and "had no available time before the Sept 8 CB meeting." It's just another one of his pathetic lies. What he intened to do is obvious. What elected official refuses to meet with civic leaders regarding an issue in their district? Shameful but certainly not surprising.

Anonymous said...

Lets connect the dots - The campaign donor(luciano) is now requesting a variance through an applicant (Duarte) who belongs to Vallone's Bayside-Whitestone Lions club; Chuck Apelian, 2009 Vallone campaign manager, 2013 campaign insider and current president of the Clinton Democratic club(successor to Vallone) is the CB 7 zoning chair; Vallone community/cultural liaisons Warren Schrieber, 3rd vice-chair of CB 7 and Devon O'Connor CB 7 member. This abal has a stranglehold on CB 7.

Anonymous said...

7 is a disgrace. Gene Kelty rules from a bully pulpit intimidating and insulting those who appear at hearings and Chuck Apelian, in his role as Rasputin, manuevers behind the scenes to obtain the desired and undoubtedly paid for results. It is time for a Federal investigation.

Anonymous said...

Why are community boards permitted to have differennt by laws? In this age of "governmental transparency" why aren't the bylaws of each CB mandated to be available on their websites. For an exercise in futility, try to obtain a copy of the CB 7 by laws.

Anonymous said...

Paul Vallone refused to meet with the civic leaders................

I hereby challenge anyone from Councilman Paul Vallone's office to admit that they refused to meet with their civic leaders.

That's disgusting but I must admit not surprising.

Remember Stinky promised to reclaim, restore and respect he just didnt' say who he would do it for.

Another councilman to be ashamed of.

Anonymous said...

Nice photo of fish face follow the buck Chuck and cone head Vallone...political 69 if I ever saw it.

Queens Crapper said...

Word on the street is that Vallone has Vito calling civic people telling them it was all a misunderstanding and he is not in favor of the variance. The meeting will be interesting.

Anonymous said...

Why are community boards permitted to have differennt by laws?

Since Albany and NYC acted swiftly to come down on the Queens Library Board of Trustees, why can't something be done about the Community Boards. Or does it have something to do with the fact that they're all in bed together?

Anonymous said...

If anyone gets a hold of the CB7 bylaws please let us know if voting by phone is allowed. That's how several members who were absent at both committee hearings voted. They "phoned" in their votes.

Anonymous said...

Apelian has served himself too many years on CB7 to be honest. Time to dump him and put the Feds on his tail.

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