Saturday, September 6, 2014

311 procedures revamped

From the Daily News:

New Yorkers who dial 311 to complain about quality-of-life violations can expect a call back from police asking if they’re satisfied with how the problem was handled, the Daily News has learned.

In the wake of the Staten Island chokehold death of Eric Garner during his arrest for selling loose cigarettes, critics have called for the NYPD to abandon broken windows policing — cracking down on minor offenses to prevent more serious crime.

But an Aug. 15 order makes it clear quality-of-life enforcement remains a top priority — and that the NYPD believes a little customer service can go a long way toward making friends with the public.

“The process of identifying, addressing and monitoring 311 complaints plays a vital role to the department’s mission of improving quality of life for the communities it serves,” the order reads.

Precinct bosses will track 311 complaints, and each precinct’s special operations lieutenant will make sure every caller is contacted within one business day, with officers asking if the police response solved the problem.

For “chronic complaints,” defined as at least five calls about the same condition within four weeks, the caller will get a personal visit from one of the precinct’s top two officers.

Monthly audits will also be conducted, with at least 15 callers polled about their experience with the officer who originally contacted them.


Anonymous said...

More feel good nonsense. The cops don't have time for this. Go to precinct and wait hours to file a report, because they aren't hiring enough civilians.Call 311 and it's the same. if you don't live in Manhattan, police service sucks! Hiring 1500 cops every year when almost 2000 retire ain't ' cutting it !

Anonymous said...

What about the rest of the city agencies? DOT, Sanitation, Buildings, Fire Department, Consumer Affairs etc. The Police Department is the only agency that is expected to answer and be held accountable to these complaints? What the hell is everyone else doing??

Anonymous said...

More cops to respond to 311 calls needed not a phone call - RESPONSE TO A CALL. 311 is a sick joke, call about blasting music, or double parking and a cop may show up many hours after the call.

Anonymous said...

a visit from a member of the NYPD? I would not open the door. better to make your quality of life complaints online so you have a paper trail. forward it to your community board.and what about all the other agencies? call 311 and make An Agency Complaint.

JQ said...

a cop told me the other day that we don't take action unless something tragic happens.So,according to this logic,a person has to get cripple or die if you want any action after your quality of life is infringed upon by littering and loud music,which proves how useless 311 is.

Of course the NYPD accepts this program,because there's less risk feigning interest in the public's well being than actually going after hard crimes like rapes and random shootings.Look how many cops it took to subdue that nude lunatic in harlem the other day.Pathetic and disgraceful

Also,having cops respond to these calls can lead to monitoring.There is a slight possibility that an officer might be related or a friend of the offender and may want to retaliate.A little paranoid,yes,but we live in paranoid times with privacy pretty much dead.

have a nice weekend

Anonymous said...

Also,having cops respond to these calls can lead to monitoring.There is a slight possibility that an officer might be related or a friend of the offender and may want to retaliate.

Don't worry, most cops don't live in the city and know few who do.

Anonymous said...

25 years about 20 to 25 families have been complaining about noises and fumes 24/7 the entire city know about the probmlem and still they couldn't fix have to fix the corruption in every corner of the city, then my problem is going to be solved by itself, they call this a quaity life issue, it isnt, its a health issue and the citys responsible for the health of everyone here, living with 30 trucks in the neighborhood going in and out every day. The city can't even deal with the mafia how are they going to fix my problem

Anonymous said...

critics have called for the NYPD to abandon broken windows policing — cracking down on minor offenses to prevent more serious crime.

in other words "just let us be criminals!"

Johnny Bravo said...

In other words they want the city to abandon the Giuliani strategy that cleaned up the city in the first place!

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