Monday, September 1, 2014

22 beds in a downtown apartment

From WPIX:

A man is renting out an East Side apartment for “young professionals” for $900. 22 to be exact.

In a video uploaded to YouTube, you’re given a tour of what looks like a cramped dwelling.

It’s a two-bedroom apartment with 22 beds.

The man claims to have plenty of storage space (perhaps under the beds?) and tells how the apartment is walking distance from the subway trains.

He doesn’t mention the word hostel, but a city spokesman says they are investigating this place as a possible illegal hostel.


Anonymous said...


Joe Moretti said...

"Young Professionals" what, hookers?

Anonymous said...

Of course it's an illegal hostel....doesn't take a lot of investigating to figure that one out!

Anonymous said...

Hipsters, hipsters, hipsters!

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