Friday, April 4, 2014

Pols upset over advertised blackface drag performance

From the Queens Chronicle:

Offended may be too soft a word to describe the reaction Councilman Danny Dromm (D-Jackson Heights) had when a staffer showed him a poster he saw on Roosevelt Avenue promoting a comedy show last weekend featuring performers in black face and dressed in drag.

“It’s disgusting and offensive,” he said at a press conference outside the Boulevard restaurant “It’s racist, homophobic, transphobic and doesn’t belong in this community.”

The posters were placed all over Jackson Heights, East Elmhurst, Elmhurst and Corona promoting “Recarguesa de Risa,” a comedy show led by Colombian comedian El Mono Sanchez this past Sunday at Boulevard at 82-22 Northern Blvd. in Jackson Heights.

At the press conference last Friday outside Boulevard, where he was joined by Councilwoman Julissa Ferreras (D-East Elmhurst), the NAACP, Queens Pride Committee and other area officials, Dromm tore up one of the posters.

Ferreras rejected assertions that the show was not offensive, but common for Sanchez, a popular comedian in Latin America. She noted that while Sanchez’ humor is commonly known in the Latino community, it is not a good representative of that culture to the outside world.

“This is not a Latino thing, because when people walk through here from any culture or any community, they would be appalled to see this,” Ferreras said. “For someone who does not read Spanish, has no idea what this is, you see these faces. What does this say to us and what does this say to the community? It’s disgusting.”

So this offense was committed by one of the vibrant and diverse among us and not by an Archie Bunker? Wow.


Anonymous said...

The think I do understand is why blacks can say 'nigga' this and 'nigga' that and be as insulting to each other in language and action than the worse white racist.

There is no reason for this and as long as African-Americans tolerate this it hollows out everything they say about racism. There is no reason for demeaning anyone for any reason.


Anonymous said...

Black face and minstrel shows were a part of history.

You want to hear someone insult blacks?

Listen to a black comedian.

J said...

being called archie bunker on this site also and inspired by this joker(condoned by motorbike gang menmber hiring julissa),I am going to get some kiwi polish and go to an open mic comedy club.


Anonymous said...

This is why promoting English in NYC is important! How do I know that half those signs written on main street don't say "Asians rule the city " or "fuck everyone who isn't Chinese"? Luckily, I know a bit of Spanish so I can read the signs in Jackson heights and corona, but still, if you don't speak the language, you will not know. English=unity!

Anonymous said...

Hey Crappy, thanks for helping to publicize the event but when's the show? Forbidden humor can result in the best stories...

Anonymous said...

YOU, Mr. Dromm, are "disgusting and offensive."

Anonymous said...

In a truly FREE society this is allowed & encouraged. Is Dromm being intolerant of the "Arts"?

Anonymous said...

Why is it that so many people get offended over everything,they live for it!

Queens Crapper said...

The event already happened: " a comedy show led by Colombian comedian El Mono Sanchez this past Sunday at Boulevard at 82-22 Northern Blvd. in Jackson Heights."

Anonymous said...

Yet one more photo-op opportunity for Danny...How could he resist?

Anonymous said...

Has he ever heard how Hispanic or Asian comedians offend Whites? Grow some skin Mr Dromm. You should be addressing the illegal housing and illegal business issues in your district. And please stop pandering for immigrant votes! It's beyond obnoxious and disgusting!
It's so un-American.

Anonymous said...

Cultural Marxism at it's essence intertwined within itself. It's not a Latino thing....

"She noted that while Sanchez’ humor is commonly known in the Latino community, it is not a good representative of that culture to the outside world."

It's an exact representation of it. Who attended the show ? People from Hong Kong ? People from Scotland ?
No, "latinos" did.

Any one seen Nick Cannon ' album White People Party Music, where he dresses in white face and uses the pseudonym Connor Smallnut.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 12:

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.

Marx (Groucho)'

Hey, At's a no good.

Marx (Chico)


Marx (Harpo)

Anything further, father?

(Marx (Zeppo)

Anonymous said...

Just another guilty, self-hating, white Anglo stirring up fake outrage.

Danny, please post your non-offensive comedy guidelines on your web site. I don't want my stand-up to offend your innocent ears.

Anonymous said...

If this was on Roosevelt Avenue it wasn't meant to be 'homophobic" -more likely it was just advertising to a clientele.

Anyone here actually -been on- Roosevelt in say, the last 25 years?

Anonymous said...

Mr. Dromm there is more offensive things happening in your district. Like total disregard for zoning and buildings codes, illegal conversions and illegal people. Many pave overs in front of houses, one family homes with five or more satellite dishes, sewer back ups and garbage. Clean up your district first and then rip up posters. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

They have the first amendment right to do or say what they want.

Why can't these politicians hold a press conference about important issues that need to be addressed instead of this nonsense?

Deke DaSilva said...

So this offense was committed by one of the vibrant and diverse among us and not by an Archie Bunker?

I love it!

The Left eventually eats their own!!

Anonymous said...

Deke -

As compared to the right wing's circular firing squad, in which the impure are banished?

Queens Crapper said...

Extremists of all stripes eventually exterminate themselves.

Anonymous said...

What about those gay drag shows around town?
It's OK for them to do their shows.

Honey, it's called THEATRE and about 1st amendment rights.

Has Danny Dromm ever got anything to crusade about aside from gay rights?

Anonymous said...

Danny Dromm, a disgruntled former teacher..would prefer us all to come out of the closet and convert to his "church".

LOL...Jackson Heights...home of another former gay councilman, John Sabini.

Mind you, folks, there were at least 7 gay bars, about 20 years back in specializing in promoting underage Latino stripper boys. I'm talking about "The Magic Touch".

Isn't Jackson Heights mentioned in "Gay NY" as a gay friendly place to live?

Wake up Danny boy, not everyone is a closeted gay! Attend to the other more important issues in your district!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 22:

How do you know that about John Sabini? Do you have any inside information?

Anonymous said...

THIS is the most important issue they could protest? What about the street walkers, the houses of ill repute, the drugs, the litter, etc.?

If people don't go to the show, it will stop running. If people pay for it and show up, then it is the will of the of the people to have the show continue.

Should your districts be nanny states? Probably. Should YOU be the nanny? NO!

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