Friday, April 4, 2014

Mass arborcide at Ozone Park crap box

"Someone at the crap box at the southwest corner of 107 Street & 95 Avenue doesn't like trees. All four recently planted trees around the property have been cut down. I guess that they wanted to cut them down before they blossomed for the Spring."

fiscus1 / Karl Baker


Anonymous said...

Assholes. House number for a 311 complaint?

Those trees cost us money. The owner should have to pay 5 times their total cost as retribution.

J said...

weren't those part of the fun size mayor's million trees green campaign?

so zero vision mayor has gave builders total impunity to do anything around town to give their housing some sort of the georgeous views of dry brown grass like in the photo

expect a fire there soon.

J said...

and again with the balconies.

Anonymous said...

That is hideous! Probably houses some third worlders!

Anonymous said...

Oh come on, can't you see from the first photo that the owner just wants everyone to be able to see the graffiti better. It's going to be wonderful - like another Five Pointz! I'm tingly all over in anticipation!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Joe Moretti said...

More crap third world looking apartment buildings. No doubt the owner of these crap hole building did this. We are littered with these cheap crappy buildings.

Queens Crapper said...

95-06 107th Street

Anonymous said...

Ok. Let's all put in the 311 complaintts today! Doing it now.
This is unbelievable!

Anonymous said...

Reported this directly to NYC Parks Commissioner. Those 4 trees cost us taxpayers $3,200.00.
Thank you for this information.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing this Crappy. Everyone, please file a complaint with 311...takes only 5 minutes.

Anonymous said...

Just reported it to 311 - you can also -

Click on
1) Illegally Damaged Tree on the left
2) Someone has removed the tree without authorization on the right
3) enter 95-06 107th Street for the street address
4) select Queens in the borough drop-down box

Perhaps if multiple people file complaints the city will act.

Anonymous said...

A house full of Democrats or those who need Democratic programs - keeping at bay those pesky quality of life types that have the dangerous habit of forming their own conclusions on what is good or bad for the community.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a city housing project. Holy Crap! No offense Crappy.

Anonymous said...

Those pesky quality of life types are who built this nation and are trying to save it from destructive liberalism.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 11: Can you say that again in conversational English?

Anonymous said...

Where are the politicans?

Write letters to the press.

Dailing 311 on this is as usual as the Dont Walk buttons at traffic lights.

makes you feel good until you understand you are being ignored then you think its pointless to do anything....

.... which is the point of 311. gets the heat off your politicians who are responsible.

Anonymous said...

Why is Jimmy Van Bramer permitting this - why is he taking our taxes that could go into hospitals and schools and sanitation?

Then he will bitch and bitch about a train system built for half the population.


Anonymous said...

@Anonymous A house full of Democrats..

What a total asshole thing to say.

Anonymous said...

What a total asshole thing to say.

but likely 100% accurate.

Well, that is, if they are legally allowed to vote.

Anonymous said...

The city planted the trees. I give them credit for that.

These are bad neighbors. And it only takes one motivated bad neighbor to destroy a tree.

No amount of responsiveness by 311 and Van Bramer is going to give us good neighbors.

The cumulative effect of incidents like this is that, despite the efforts otherwise, most of Queens wants to look like a third world slum - either passively with the pervasive garbage or actively by pave-overs and destroying trees.

Anonymous said...

This is not in Woodhaven! And it's not even particularly close.

Queens Crapper said...

Thanks. I correct my mistake.

georgetheatheist said...

Just curious. Look at the 5th photo from the top, the expansive view down the street. There is grass a paver's width between the curb and the property in the foreground. Further back, there's concrete paving between those properties and the curb. In front of my house, I have nothing but concrete up to the curb. If I wanted to dig up that concrete and install grass (like in the photo) do I need a permit or can I just go ahead and do it? Thanks.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 17:

Why would Jimmy Van Bramer say anything about this? This is in Eric Ulrich's district.

Anonymous said...

People do not want street trees for the simple reason that NYC refuses to care for them. Why keep putting them on that little two foot strip of soil.

Anonymous said...

I just received notification that Parks inspected, didn't find anything, and have closed out the Service Request.

Queens Crapper said...

I think that comment was meant for the cruise ship skyscraper post. I'll paste it there.

Anonymous said...

Ugly building/house/structure whatever this crap building is suppose to be. Ugly owners with an ugly mentality and disrespectful to nature and their neighbors.

ron s said...

Until I started reading Queenscrap I was unaware of the apparent boroughwide campaign to kill all trees in NYC. What is wrong with the people here? We had the famous disappearance of old beautiful trees blocking a billboard in Astoria a few years ago, but the sheer number of tree cutdowns reported in the last few years is truly unbelievable. Growing up, most people kind of liked trees, planted them, took care of them and preferred living near a few. Now it's preferable to cut everything down to the ground and then pave it.

Anonymous said...

This is disgusting. A common misconception is that you are paying for these trees through through a PlaNYC information booklet and you will see they are funded through capital funding. Either way, this is a horrible sight and the culprits should be absolutely ashamed of themselves. A lot of time and effort goes into choosing where to plant trees and homeowners forget that they are there to benefit everyone!

Anonymous said...

Our taxes are ultimately the base of capital funding. So yes, we paid for those trees.

Anonymous said...

It's in Ozone Park.

Anonymous said...

Now it's preferable to cut everything down to the ground and then pave it.

3rd world savages who don't know any better think this is better. They think it shows their wealth that they can afford a bit of concrete so they can park their (leased, pre-owned) luxury car.

They also can't be bothered with maintaining them, don't see it as a worthwhile public (or consider it a betterment to the community) service to do so, and they also are ignorant to the benefits of stormwater drainage, air pollution, and passive cooling that street trees provide.

Joe Moretti said...

Anonymous Anonymous said...

I just received notification that Parks inspected, didn't find anything, and have closed out the Service Request.


If you look closer it will say that this was a duplicate. I got the same thing, they must have gotten flooded with this particular issue.

Good work Crap.

Anonymous said...

(insert comment blaming immigrants for unrelated issue)

Joe Moretti said...

Why put balconies on these shit hole apartments. The low class immigrants are not going to use them except to store bikes, toys, boxes, old refrigerators, and every other crap thing they can put out there and then hang clothes off of it too.

Just go into any low-class area with a heavy immigrant presence and you will see this over and over again.

I guess you can take the low class immigrant out of the slum, but you just can't take the slum out of the immigrant. They will just bring it to Queens.

Kind of defeats the purpose of leaving your shit hole country.

Anonymous said...

I'm really confused by this - why would they cut down the trees? what's the benefit? - do people want to park there? someone fill me in

Anonymous said...

A citizen's etiquette manual should be handed to every immigrant landing in our city. Building regulations, sanitation, noise, education, environment, fire safety, health codes, etc, should all be spelled out in the manual. And print it in as many languages as necessary!

Anonymous said...

Why would Jimmy Van Bramer say anything about this? This is in Eric Ulrich's district.

woops my bad - posted to wrong thread! sorry.

Joe Moretti said...

I'm really confused by this - why would they cut down the trees? what's the benefit?


Same reason for paving over grass, no need for upkeep. No cleaning up leaves, no cutting grass, etc.

Also some immigrants, especially those from the lower economic area do not have grass, trees, etc, so I assume they want it to look as much like where they come from.

Who knows.

Anonymous said...

"A citizen's etiquette manual"
Not going to happen. On my block in North Flushing we are being over run with FOB's. Their goal is to own every home and push you out. The only good thing is you will get a handsome payout for your home.

georgetheatheist said...

So? Can I dig up my concrete pavers and lay down grass or not? Please. How does this work? Legally?

Anonymous said...

"So? Can I dig up my concrete pavers and lay down grass or not? Please. How does this work? Legally?"

If you are zoned R1 - R6 zoning (like residential 1 - 2 family housing) you can have a ribbon sidewalk. Which is similar to the picture above, with a sidewalk with grass between it and the street.

If there are concrete pavers there already you would like removed legally you would most likely need to contact the DOT sidewalk unit for guidance on how to proceed (which most likely will mean having permits taken out and work by a licensed contractor).

DOT sidewalk Unit's webpage

Anonymous said...

Not in Urich's district. It is in Ruben Wills' district.

georgetheatheist said...

Anonymous, Thanks for that info.

Anonymous said...

Hi Crappy-I followed the directions provided and got the same result as another poster: condition not found/case closed. Since I love Queens and value it's trees-is there anything else that can be done? I am also wondering why would Parks say they investigated & found nothing out of order? Thanks!

fiscus1 said...

I passed by this location today and you'll be interested to know that within that past week, two new trees have been planted along the 107 Street side of the property. None on the 97 Avenue side, though.

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