Thursday, April 10, 2014

Magical Mystery Buses pop up again

Here's some footage from inside the Magical Blue Bus previously featured here. In this video, it's on the premises of the Knockdown Center after one of their party events:

I'm guessing that chick featured in the beginning likes mushrooms, and I don't mean the ones on Roberta's pizza.
Back on Banker Street in Greenpoint, we stumbled upon the magical blue bus and its purple friend.
Is that a legal plate for a bus? All the plates I have seen on buses say "bus" at the bottom of them.
Strangely, "@Quetzalbus" links to a bus service in Mexico City.
These buses are often found on Banker Street, near a high school in Greenpoint. Previously, they hung out in Bushwick.
They both have sleeping accommodations in the back.
Thanks to a commenter, I discovered this explanation on Facebook: "That is our Bluebyrd Tribe's Bluebyrd Bus and the Quetzal her purple sister! These are our traveling homes for fabulous adventures to festivals such as burningman, jazz fest, SxSW, environmental activist events and more:)" And a shuttle for local hipster parties.

And here's a collection of more clips of what goes on at the Knockdown Center"arts center".

It's still not too late to sign the petition against their liquor license.


Anonymous said...

Passenger plate ............improper registration

Queens Crapper said...

Thank you. And the blue one has California plate which imakes it illegal to use for passenger travel in NY.

Anonymous said...

My god, that girl definitely was high on something. Scary situation. I hope their booze license gets nixed.

J said...

sorry to sound like an old crow but this is a big problem.

so where are the artists on that bus?

generation gentrification pandemic is spreading,and they are emboldened enough to lure teenagers by parking in front of a high school to one of their "arts events".I doubt a minority drug dealer would get away with this shit by parking his or her bus there.

are the colors of the drug "molly" similar to the paint jobs on those buses?

Anonymous said...

Check out the Rachel Maddow show Facebook page where she features the buses. In the comments they are referred to as the burning man tribes buses bluebyrd and the quetzal.

Anonymous said...

I believe if the former bus is being used ONLY as a private pass anger vehicle, not carrying passengers, the plate may be legal. The second it is used as a bus, definately not legal

Anonymous said...

Just did a quick check. If it is currently designed to carry 10 or more, it is a bus, and not registered or inspected properly. If it picks up and discharges passengers, ditto. Smaller than that, they have an option to register as a bus

Anonymous said...

Hipsters, hipsters, hipsters!

Anonymous said...

Why do these punks all look the same? Ratty clothes, dirty hair,....

Anonymous said...

"environmental activists" traveling via 20+ year old buses which spew pollution.


J said...

IF a bus contains beds does it become a trailer?maybe that's how they get away with regular plates

last anon:exactly right,why they don't they have an hybrid instead,even willie nelson uses frier grease for fuel

but these days hypocrisy is a virtue,just like being mean engaging in schadenfreude.

Anonymous said...

The comments section of this blog is a fantastic example of an echo chamber.

But the moderator likely won't approve this.

Anonymous said...

Of course, it's much easier to rag on the commenters than to deal with the points being raised in the posting. How Kate Watson of you!

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