Monday, April 7, 2014

Machine appointees save Galante

From the Daily News:

The nine Queens Library trustees who voted against placing President Tom Galante on leave put loyalty to the man over their duty to the institution.

They should be booted from office along with him.

Nine trustees came to their senses and voted to shelve Galante pending FBI and Department of Investigation probes. One trustee missed the vote. And the Galante 9 prevented the resolution from passing.

They severely damaged the library, run as it is by a nonprofit organization that is funded with city money and must have the trust of elected officials. That trust is now irreparably broken.

The mayor and Queens borough president appoint board members. Mayor de Blasio and BP Melinda Katz, who called for Galante’s ouster, must eliminate the nine as their terms come due.

First up for canning are George Stamatiades and William Jefferson, whose tenures expire at the end of the year. Katz should announce their replacements now.

The rest to be let go in time are Grace Lawrence, Leonard D’Amico, Joseph Ficalora, Stephen Van Anden, Patricia Flynn, Mary Ann Mattone and Terri Mangino. Of note, Mangino, who has been on the board since 1972, was hauled in from Florida to cast the vote that saved Galante.


Anonymous said...

The usual suspects. Developers and party hacks protecting one of their own.

Anonymous said...

And a $2million house in Wilton CT....

J said...

how much of a subhuman you have to be to catch a red eye to keep a fellow subhuman in power?

this is a real test for madame katz and mr. zero vision.

Anonymous said...

"Of note, Mangino, who has been on the board since 1972, was hauled in from Florida to cast the vote that saved Galante.."
- - - - - -- - - -
was she visiting in Florida, or does she now live permanently there?

Anonymous said...

Really someone from Florida to cast their vote?!?! Tell Mangino to stay in her backwards slow speaking and slow minded state and mind her business. This man should not be protected for his criminal acts, treat him the same no special privileges should be allowed.

ron s said...

If something is totally decayed and rotten, you remove the entire thing, and don't patch it up. The Library case fits this description. It does not need a cosmetic cleanup--the entire Board should be replaced as soon as legally possible. All of this crap occurred on their watch, whether or not they supported Galante for this particular vote.
How about also looking at WHO gets nominated and what their BACKGROUND is. Maybe some non-lawyer, non real estate people, like an educator, a person with library background, a fiscal person etc. etc. would be more appropriate given the criminality and blindness of the current Board.

Anonymous said...

Who needs a library anymore? Sell the properties and buil 18 story condos!

Anonymous said...

Libraries are dinosaurs.

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 8:

People who don't need libraries are dinosaurs and cultural fascists.

Anonymous said...

was she visiting in Florida, or does she now live permanently there?

According to this 2012 article, she lives in Briarwood.

Anonymous said...

Absolutely disgusting.

Anonymous said...

"Libraries are dinosaurs"
Not true. People who use libraries are aware of the many services they offer. For Free !

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