Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Crowley clams up on Knockdown Center

From the Queens Chronicle:
The British-born, Sri Lankan-raised M.I.A., whose real name is Mathangi Arulpragasam, burst onto the scene with her Grammy-nominated mega-hit “Paper Planes” in 2008.
Since then, her music has been critically acclaimed but has also spawned controversy.

The short film that accompanied her 2010 hit single “Born Free” depicts a mock genocide against red-haired people, even featuring a scene where a child is brutally shot in the head and killed.

Det. Thomas Bell of the 104th Precinct said there will be a police presence in the area during the shows, as well.

“We’re going to be out there monitoring everything,” Bell said. “We’ll be there.”
What fine family entertainment! I have to say that this is a pretty good article from the Chronicle about what's going on in Maspeth at the Knockdown Center. However, the reporter omits the fact that the "controversial rapper" is best known for flipping America the bird during the Superbowl and is currently in court fighting a $16.6M fine for the stunt imposed by the NFL.
But the kicker is:
When contacted by the Chronicle, a spokesman for Councilwoman Elizabeth Crowley (D-Middle Village) said she had no comment on the matter.
What's wrong, Liz? What happened to the good jobs in the film industry that you said were going to happen here? Isn't it great that the NYPD's already limited police manpower will be going toward babysitting thousands of non-residents who have issues controlling themselves while your constituents will have to wait for responses? Crowley's taken a page from M.I.A.'s handbook and flipped Maspeth the bird.
Here's a shot of one of the the Knockdown Center's petitions. You'll notice not one Maspeth address on it. You'll also notice there's no mention of a liquor license to serve alcohol to up to 5,000 people at a time. If you feel it necessary to hide your intentions from your petitioners, what does that say? They don't need a petition to open an as-of-right arts center.

Please sign the petition against the Knockdown Center's liquor license. It only takes a minute to do.


J said...

The Gentrification Generation must be destroyed.These are the true constituents of No Bones Zero Vision Deblasio and that shameless ditz Crowley.No surprise that the first major star to play that unofficial venue is a person who was one of the first to gentrify bed-stuy.

How further east must the working and poor class be pushed to live in a decent apartment or home.Let these mongrels have their way,and we'll be shacking with the horses that will be expelled from central park soon in a tent city somewhere in southeastern queens.

Anonymous said...

Hipsters,hipsters, hipsters!

Anonymous said...

Wondering why Queens Council on the Arts has anything to do with this place.


Guess that is what happens when real estate guys take over...

Christina Wilkinson said...

You had to see Liz's rep at the COMET meeting last night try to explain that the council member supports the arts center but has not made a statement about the liquor license application. I guess she forgot that Dizzy showed up at the community board last year with the Argentos and said she supported their venture.

I asked for a letter of opposition from Antonio Reynoso since his district will be affected by this as well and he ignored me. So much for the progressive stopping gentrification.

Meanwhile, James Van Bramer wrote a letter of opposition and Danny Dromm's rep signed COMET's petition last night.

Anonymous said...

Antonio Reynoso is a joke. Watch him give most of his funding to Ridgewood-Bushwick and come up with the excuse that Vito is no longer involved, so it's ok, just like DeBlasio did.

Anonymous said...

Antonio Reynoso's Facebook page still says he is chief of staff for Diana Reyna...

Anonymous said...

These folks' entire business model hinges on that liquor license. An arts center should be a not-for-profit center of culture and learning, not a niteclub with a section for fingerpainting.

Anonymous said...

Didn't realize the welcome to Whitestone hoods are moving into maspeth that looks like the same petition Dan halloran ordered Devon OConnor to come up with when that whole Whitestone catering hall thing was goin on.
I remember reading that the oconnors collected signatures in favor of a huge catering hall. He was only able to produce one page and no on was a resident of that area.

Wait wasn't there some sort of connection between halloran and maspeth? Some sort of criminal connection?

georgetheatheist said...

The fifth name up from the bottom - Pawel Althamer. His "work" Queen Mother of Reality will be featured in May at Socrates Sculpture Park. It's already up just waiting for the grand opening.

Joe said...

""her music has been critically acclaimed""

These fakers dont write or sing anything. Teams of writers, engineers, players and producers make it all up on a computer. Including a vocal "track" for fake live performances.

Given those facts what's going under this guise of this so called "ART CENTER" would NOT BE ART (or even music) but FRAUD, liqueur sales and money laundering!!!

Anonymous said...

These people WILL get the liqueur license.

"Live Nation" concert booking is involved. With Roseland getting the wrecking ball and the Garden being rebuilt they need this venue at all costs and have Billions of dollars to do it (heavy lawyers as its called).
You can also bet all the jobs will be closed Union IATSE "list" who are losing work in Manhattan. No local jobs but actually take $$$ out the neighborhood and lots of headaches.

Anonymous said...

I heard the tickets aren't selling all that well, so they may not "need" this venue. No one can get to it!

Anonymous said...

The second photo shows her sitting on her throne but without a crown. What gives, Crappy?

Joe said...

Live Nation and the promoters usually supply busses like they do on Randalls Island and other shitholes -Big money and little equipment is involved with rap noise events. It all about the $$ and f*ck the neighborhood with the "rap industry" thugs that produce these events.
Marta Clara tried this shit out in Riverhead last summer IT SUCKED, lots of fights, DWIs and property damage.
PS-I wore many hats a FOH engineer, backline tech, production manager at Jones beach when it was cool. I know what im talking about.
Maspeth is dealing with mobbed up thugs & snakes thats why Crowley is keeping her mouth shut. (this is all my opinion and educated guess)

Anonymous said...

Why is there always a brand new red Porsche parked outside Crowley's office?

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