Thursday, April 3, 2014

Another church tragedy

From Brownstoner:

The St. Ignatius Church and its community hall are in the process of being demolished at 267 Rogers Avenue in Crown Heights, where Curbed found this rendering on the fence. Building applications were filed last November to construct a five story, 165-unit apartment building, but they weren’t approved until last week.

Heights Advisors are the developers behind the 112,155-square-foot project, which will have 35 underground parking spaces and 48 open ones, a fitness room, laundry, rec room and roof terrace.

You don't have to be religious to understand that this is a travesty. Beautiful green space that was used by the community to be covered with a building lived in by those of means who probably haven't even moved here yet.


Anonymous said...

This is why I laugh when people scream that this sort of thing is good because the property is now on the tax roles. With all the tax abatements developers and new condo owners get, there is no tax revenue, just more strain on infrastructure.

Anonymous said...

"This is why I laugh when people scream that this sort of thing is good because the property is now on the tax roles. With all the tax abatements developers and new condo owners get, there is no tax revenue, just more strain on infrastructure."

Rent rolls. That's what criminals fire chief Eugene Kelty and building plans printer chuck Appellian say every time. And the community swallows it. Along with whatever else these shitbags sell

Anonymous said...

What a shame. This spot really is beautiful. It's like an oasis. I remember sitting in my car and peacefully eating my breakfast there while working.

Anonymous said...

I dont care about the loss of the church. The green space being paved over is the real tragedy.

Queens Crapper said...

Yes, but you wouldn't have had the green space without the church.

Anonymous said...

If you wonder why America does not have history, here is the answer. Not because it does not have, yet because contrary to any other decent country, it destroys it. I guess you will have to travel in any other country and keep wondering why you do not have history!

Anonymous said...

From the land of the Mt. Manressa tragedy (SI)... one question: if the community is donating to the church, and the church is tax exempt, shouldn't the community have a voice in the disposition of the property? On the other hand, if the Church wants to be treated as a private property owner, let them pay capital gains tax on these sales.

Anonymous said...

How old do you think that building on the right is? 1800s?

Anonymous said...

religion =$$$$$

Anonymous said...

someone says:
"religion =$$$$$". Dude when was the last time you had to pay for "religion"? When was the last time when you had to pay taxes? If stupidity and ignorance would be taxed we would be all rich. I would charge you at least 1000 dollars per day and give the money to the poor...

Anonymous said...

There is no community preservation efforts in NYC.

As developers make a careful inventory of each buildable lot with the city's help, the tables should be turned and the city should make a careful inventory of each greenspace and owner occupied house and start from there.

Lets start to be aware of what is going on and insist that the tables start to be turned.

Anonymous said...

I grew up less than a mile from there,formerly known as Pigtown,formerly known as old Flatbush . Forced out in the late 70's by blockbusting and the rising crime that certain folk brought. The side streets were like living in the suburbs with all the trees and well kept homes. The Avenues were like being in the city. Prospect Park was less than a mile away........ What a place to grow up( I was born in '55). That is gone forever.....

Anonymous said...

A pastoral scene but in August 1991, three blocks away Gavin Cato died in an automobile accident, and the Crown Heights riot ensued, and then two blocks in the other direction on President Street and Brooklyn Ave, Yankel Rosenbaum was stabbed to death.

Anonymous said...

" Anonymous said...
If you wonder why America does not have history, here is the answer. Not because it does not have, yet because contrary to any other decent country, it destroys it. I guess you will have to travel in any other country and keep wondering why you do not have history!"

So true I couldn't have said it better! The past few years especially because of Bloomberg building is never-ending and destroying our history is coming full speed ahead. It is really such a shame. Believe me it will be a major loss to this city and it will be regretted in the future. We need more visionaries and the real estate needs to slow down and stabilize if we want to try to save some history in NYC. Oh and yeah the NYC landmarks needs to be either re-vamped or some other Landmark/Preservation Committee needs to form.

Joe said...

In another 25 years almost all the Christian church structures will be gone. What cracks me up is how these people don't practice what the preach. Almost all the sales have been underhanded, sneaky and very destructive to neighborhoods.
Almost all the buyers are Hong Kong developers

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 11:

Pigtown hasn't been pigtown for a long time. Over a hundred years ago, Charles Ebbets bought up a lot of it to build a ballpark about a block away for the baseball team that he owned. Rogers Avenue has always been in Crown Heights.

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