Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Paul Vallone's many faux pas on citywide TV

The entire debate is on NY1 and apparently no password is needed to see it.

At 24 seconds into the 2nd segment:

As we all know, Jobs For New York has endorsed you and your campaign. And they also have spent over $100K to falsely attack your opponents. Now, you and I have always talked, and you have stated publicly that you were against negative campaigning, and it's something that you would not condone. However, your spokesperson has said that you were happy and willing to accept help from anyone that was willing to give it to you. So, my question is why have you never publicly denounced the attacks, and why did you not ask Jobs For New York to stop the negative attacks on your behalf because you do not condone them?

Well one of the things that Chrissy and I agree on is running a positive campaign is paramount and is something that's respected and needed in our district. And one of our important messages is always to say is outside expenditures should be banned across the board. Not just any one organization - all of them. Local races should remain local. Period. What are you responsible for these days? The campaign you lead and the positive message you send out. In 2009, my first campaign, and again now in 2013, our message has never been about the other candidates - publicly at debates, publicly here, you never go after candidates. It's not what the people deserve. So my campaign is a positive message, and any outside groups should be banned from being involved in any of our local races, period.

[Basically, he refused to denounce Jobs For New York.]

Since you haven't denounced what Jobs For New York has done, I'm going to take a different approach, which is that you talk about community and unity as part of the main thrust of your campaign, how does that reconcile with the votes you have done at Community Board 7 - for example, when you backed Gambino crime family associates for the White House to build construction against the wishes of the community in Whitestone and the neighbors?

It's interesting when you can speak for Community Board 7 when you don't sit on Community Board 7. Community Board 7 overwhelmingly approved the project that Mr. Graziano is referring to. It was a manufacturing block and it was a project that everyone who was there approved. And typical to Mr. Graziano's demeanor is to come in at the last minute and cause strife. So unlike campaigns that try to segregate the community, we unite the community. And that's what leadership should do. You should talk to the community board, talk to the elected officials, not stand on the corner screaming about a story that no one wants to listen to. So if that's the approach that certain campaigns want to take, then let them take that. We are proud to work together with the community board, because we have 2 in our district - Community Board 7 and Community Board 11 and those are the areas that take control for the zoning, the elected official. For someone to say that they are single-handedly responsible for that, speaks volumes about that person.

[Graziano never said he spoke for Community Board 7, he said that the community of Whitestone was against the White House rezoning, which is proven by the above link. Paul Vallone dodged the question, but apparently got his issue confused with the Waterpointe rezoning (a contaminated Whitestone site) that his family's lobbying firm pushed for, because the White House area is not the least bit industrial.]

As you know, I have pledged that I will be a full-time council member. Would you pledge to give up your law practice and be a full-time council member as well?

I will absolutely, if honored by the people of the district, be a full-time council member. That's what you have to be. That's what my father was. That's what my brother was and if I have that honor to represent the district, that's what I will do. I think that's critical, and I think that's one of the things John has pointed out over the campaign, and has Austin, to make sure 100% commitment to the City Council. That's what the people deserve in our district and that's what I pledge.

[Interesting, considering that at every debate, he refused to say he would be a full-time council member. Also interesting is that his brother, Peter, is featured as a member of the Vallone law practice, proving that he's not actually a full-time council member. Whoops!]

Overdevelopment from the real estate industry is one of the biggest threats to our neighborhood. Now Paul, you are a registered lobbyist for a firm that received $2.5M last year selling access to city government, for, among others, the real estate industry. You've received approximately $85K in contributions throughout your runs for the city council from the real estate industry, and as Chrissy pointed out, the biggest NYC developers have created a superPAC that spent over $250K on you and your campaign. Now we have a public finance campaign system that was put in place and which we are all a part of, that is supposed to root out the influence of special interest spending and you've taken $95K in public matching funds from that system. So my question for you is, on behalf of the taxpayers of our community, can we have our money back?

Well, all of the money the candidates receive are governed by the NYC Campaign Finance Board. And all of us have received the matching funds. And every one of our contributions I'm very proud of. When you spend a lifetime in the community, such as I have, you have a family in the community, small business in the community, you make a lot of friends in the community. And those are the connections and those are the people that are working with our campaign. So any type of receipt for any type of contribution to our campaign has been public. And any idea that that is somehow being kept from the people of the district is insane. In fact, what does our practice do? We're a small practice - a law firm that was started by my grandfather 80 years ago. And we do elder law and we do work in the community. That's what our community does. That's what we do.

[So Paul Vallone, of the Astoria Vallones, wants us to think that he is a lifelong resident of northeastern Queens? Wow. There's nothing he won't lie about, is there?]

Actually, I'm talking about the firm with which you are a registered lobbyist that made $2.5M last year selling access to city government.

When you are a lawyer and you provide legal services, and if a client comes to you and they also need consulting services, you must register with the City of New York.

So you are a registered lobbyist?

My father is one of the most distinguished members of the city, and he has a consulting firm. If a client comes to us and they need legal services, and they also need consulting services, by law, you must register as a lobbyist. That is what I have done. That is what the law requires and - going back to John's question - the minute that this district is honored and privileged to vote me into City Hall, all of that will end because our job will be 100% for City Council.

[WOW! Someone thinks rather highly of himself and his family!]

So, I do take that to mean that you are a registered lobbyist and we all know that. This campaign has been hijacked by outside spending.

[Then it becomes a free-for-all.]

At 8:24 in the second segment, Errol Louis steps in:

If the questions you've heard so far have not been clear, let me try to focus them for you. They're saying, and we have seen, there's a lot of money that has been spent by this group, Jobs For New York. They don't talk about jobs, they don't even talk about New York. They have made personal attacks on all of your opponents. You've said earlier tonight that you don't like that sort of a theme, they would like you to say publicly that you would like them to stop doing it in the last week.

Which other candidates have done throughout the city.


I started the night off by saying across the board - no outside expenditures from any group. I'm taking it beyond one group to all the groups. And if that's an answer the candidates don't like, they're just going to have to live with it.


Anonymous said...

Vallone has the same personality traits that Halloran had, big EGO, fake STUPID smile, unable to tell the TRUTH and believes he's better than the rest. Don't board the Vallone Train Wreck, it's coming to our neighborhood, let it pass! DON'T do it.

Anonymous said...

I've never met a more arrogant person, don't elect Vallone, you may actually need your councilman one day and if it's Vallone, you will be SCREWED!!!

Anonymous said...

On September 10 you will all vote for GRAZIANO!!

Anonymous said...

"they're just going to have to live with it" hey Vallone supporters if you vote for stinky, get used to those words. It's not too late to see the light. Go to the light.....
don't vote for stinky

Anonymous said...

Both Vallones can cause Queens big trouble because once Peter is beep,

there is nothing stopping him from appointing brother Paul in some capacity.

When you look how he will custom design your community boards, deciding on land use, and looking at the capital budget the damage Paul by himself can do is minor.

Both would be a disaster to Queens.

Say no to BOTH Vallones.

Anonymous said...

How mature of the other candidates to gang up on Paul. True professionals lol. Shafran night be the biggest joke of them all. You guys rather have him as your next city councilman? Good help us all

Anonymous said...

I think John Duane and Austin Shafran look the most Presidential (or would it "Councilmanic"?)

After Vallone loses (again), even though the REBNY has spent over $100k to get him elected, it will show that he is unelectable and his "political" career will be over, once and for all. I mean, if they can't even buy an election for him, it's hopeless. And who would hire him as a lobbyist after that?

Anonymous said...

What an arrogant, dishonest, egotistical and DEMEANING person Paul Vallone is. The jackass never answers a question!!! What does that say about how he regards others?

We CANNOT let this low-life get into office.

Anonymous said...

I think the quote that says it all:

"the minute that this district is honored and privileged to vote me into City Hall" is *perhaps* the most arrogant sentence fragment I've ever heard uttered from someone running for office.

Personally, I like how Graziano stayed out of the fray at the end.

He was basically the only adult in the room throughout the debate and didn't lose his cool at all, between actually answering the first question with what he's done and brings to the table; and going after Vallone for something concrete - voting in favor of a bad development project connected to the mob - besides the retarded and ineffective mailers that went out from Jobs for NY/ the Real Estate Board of New York on behalf of Vallone.

Anonymous said...

How mature of the other candidates to gang up on Paul -- What brand of crack are you smoking?? They asked Paul to tell the truth and he lied to all of them, they didn't gang up on him they just want him to tell the truth. They have guts, Paul is just a coward hiding behind REBNY. It's funny that opponents unite all in favor or exposing the liar that Vallone is. Stop defending that liar, next post you'll probably defend Halloran and say the FBI ganged up on him.

Anonymous said...

Name calling by the also ran desperate democrats will not help them at the polls. They sound like children.

Anonymous said...

Name calling by the also ran desperate democrats will not help them at the polls. They sound like children.

Vallone's surrogate, REBNY (through its PAC, Jobs for NY), was the one doing the name calling - their ads labeled 3 of the other candidates are dangerous, corrupt, or both. All they did was ask Vallone to condemn those attacks - which he has stubbornly refused to do. And asking a registered lobbyist to admit that he is a registered lobbyist is only speaking the truth. It is Mr. Vallone who appears childish.

I can't imagine anyone, after watching that debate, saying to him- or herself, "I'm voting for Vallone." But that's up to the individual.

Anonymous said...

Here's what the Daily News had to say about Vallone's "strategy":

"Vallone, the son of former City Council Speaker Peter Vallone and brother of Councilman Peter Vallone Jr., defended himself by not defending himself, instead condemning all outside group support — a dig at Shafran, who enjoys the support of the United Federation of Teachers, a union."

Yeah, it's all the same, right? One is a group of multi-millionaires that wants to protect its real estate interests and elect people that will rubber stamp developers' deals, and the other is a group of middle class union members.

Anonymous said...

Chrissy's looking pretty presidential but Graziano could loose that stupid pony tail.

Anonymous said...

For the record Peter Vallone is publicly slamming Jobs for NY saying that he is not taking money from them.

Now we know why no one is talking about Peter.

His position dovetails with Paul Graziano's position!


Graziano for Council!
Vallone for Borough President!

Anonymous said...

Chrissy's looking pretty presidential but Graziano could loose that stupid pony tail.

Sounds like a Vallone troll who's jealous that Paul Graziano has long, luxurious hair!

Anonymous said...

If the district elects Paul Vallone they are getting a dumber and even more sleazy version of Dan Halloran. Go Graziano!... let's elect an honest politician like Tony Avella.

Anonymous said...

Chrissy participated in and was part of the Halloran fiasco. You can't tell me she didn't know about the crap that was going on in that office. Why aren't the press interested in exposing the unseemly relationship in that office?

Anonymous said...

Jobs For New York isn't endorsing anyone in the BP race, that's why Peter can say what he likes about them. We aren't stupid.

Anonymous said...

Graziano for Council!
Vallone for Borough President!

For some reason, I don't think Graziano is backing Peter Vallone, considering the way he's been treated by brother Paul.

You might want to check with him first before you put those two names paired together...

Anonymous said...

On September 10, you will all vote for GRAZIANO.

Anonymous said...

I don't sit on CB7 either but I was in attendance when Paul Vallone voted "YES" in favor of the White House restaurant mega-expansion into a huge catering hall.

It is noted by the media that its owner, Joey Franco, is connected to the Gambino crime family. Franco previously ran Cafe On The Green and I believe was expelled by NYC from that facility.

I dislike that shady SOB Vallone, but must play devil's advocate on his behalf for the sake of truth.

If Vallone voted against the wishes of the community, did Greater Whitestone Taxpayers Association take a strong position against Franco's expansion plan?
Was there outrage at that CB7 hearing to voice the Whitestone community's objection to the plan?

Still, Valone wound up voting for a mafia associate's plan, knowingly or unknowingly.
It's only one vote...true...but all of those single votes added up to CB7 approving Franco's plan.

Therefore Vallone is still guilty.

Anonymous said...

Look out PG.
You've made an enemy of the Gambinos and PV is going to have them scalp you so he can make a nice toupee to cover his chrome dome.

It's been causing too much camera glare lately.

Anonymous said...

Vallone will lose. Shafran will win the day.

Anonymous said...

Vallone will lose. Shafran will win the day.

I just pray that the others don't split the votes and allow Paulie Grapenuts to win ... if so, Republican Dennis Saffran never dreamed he'd get so much Democratic support in the election.

Anonymous said...

It was always my impression that Greater Whitestone and cb7 were for the Franco restaurant. The one civic group in n.e. Queens that seemed to stay out of it was Malba Gardens Civic and did not show support, based mainly on the extra traffic it would generate around the school nearby and the already over-trafficked neighborhood.

Anonymous said...

Write in Al Centola and throw out all the bums!!!

Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen Stinky Valloney's latest flyer? The one that has his autograph? Is that really his handwriting? It looks so girly, WTF??

Queens Crapper said...

It was always my impression that Greater Whitestone and cb7 were for the Franco restaurant.

I don't know why you would think that when articles like this were published at the time: Franco’s plan for new eatery draws protests

The "civic" that was for it was Welcome to Whitestone, whose president, Devon O'Connor, is prominently seen in both Peter and Paul Vallone's campaign event photos.

Anonymous said...

You are correct crappy, Greater Whitestone did oppose Franco's restaurant, I concede. Apologies to Whitestone.

Anonymous said...

Malba gardens was not in favor

They are on record for calling for a restaurant with a small party room. (Essentially what was there). They were extremely concerned about the extra traffic in the community and around the elementary school.

Al Centola is the only one who will make a difference and not bow down or owe any special interest, except to the community.

Write in Al.

Anonymous said...

Welcome to Whitestone was and is a shell civic set up by halloran to feign support. A page out of Linda metzger and Dennis Gallaghers book.

Just ask Chrissy.

Time to be honest. Wtw was taking money from other groups in the community as well as Hallorans member items and funneling it to certain business for services rendered. Like the sign and landscaping.

Anonymous said...

Devon OConnor took money from a local little league promising them a space on the sign saying home of( name of little league). The small sign never happened and there has been no accounting of the money Devon took. Devon also got money from halloran to pass along to the sign maker and the "donated" landscaping. For the "installation" of the welcome to Whitestone sign.

Welcome to Whitestone is not a 501c3 and even charged a local little league for ballons it promised free as part of a VFW fundraiser, why? because the Lil league refused to put up a banner that mr OConnor demanded be put up. A member of the league contacted a local businessman and they paid for the ballons.

Nice civic group. Welcome to Whitestone indeed

Anonymous said...

Devon O' Connor is another POS who will go down with Vallone (along with Schreiber, The Dwarf Lombardi and the rest of the brown-nosed Vallone minions). Can't wait to see you all tar'd-'n-feathered .... bwah-ha-ha-ha-ha!

Anonymous said...

If Vallone somehow wins, after he has been exposed as the lying hypocrite that he is, I just hope that his 4 Democratic opponents will come out and publically support Dennis Saffran, a moderate Republican, who was a Democrat in his earlier years. He is honest, has been in public service his entire life, sent two kids through the NYC school system, and cares deeply about our community, neighborhoods, schools, and safety. ANYONE BUT VALLONE!!!!!!!!!

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