Monday, September 2, 2013

MTA Police are rolling in dough

From the NY Post:

Nearly nine out of 10 MTA police officers who patrol the Staten Island Railway, Long Island Railroad and Metro-North rake in more than $100,000 a year, according to MTA salary data obtained by The Post through a Freedom of Information request.

The commuter-rail cops averaged $27,000 in annual overtime and more than $127,000 in total pay last year. More than 86 percent took in $100,000 or more in total earnings, and 11 cops topped $200,000.

The biggest cheese of all — bagging an eye-popping $234,641.84 last year — was Brian Sullivan, a Metro-North detective sergeant who joined the force in July 1992.

He took home $76,000 in overtime and almost $158,000 in base pay, which, in a 40-hour work week, would mean he was paid $75.96 an hour. But according to the MTA, his hourly pay rate in 2012 was only $53.21 an hour. Sullivan’s total earnings could buy more than 93,800 MetroCard rides, 11,732 round-trip tickets from Grand Central Station to New Rochelle, or eight MTA police cars.


Anonymous said...

Standard NY Post fare:

Yell, shriek, and cite by name a paltry few civil servants at the upper end of the pay scale, without any context of their service, record of performance, or chance to clarify from the agency.

Then in the next issue, continue to wonder why civil service isn't what they used to be, why the best leave, and why it attracts so many apathetic and shameless losers.

Way to go, Michael Gartland. Maybe detective Sullivan routinely took hot cases that required he work long hours, weekends, and holidays? Did you even look?

Anonymous said...

make a new rule, if you're investigating a crime then you still go home at 5. even if its a murder or rape and the perp is running away

Anonymous said...

The first sentence says 9 out of 10 make more than $100K/yr, and the MTA did comment, so the first anonymous needs better reading comprehension.

Anonymous said...

"Terroristic threats" LOL

Anonymous said...

marxist union thugs

Anonymous said...

The first sentence says 9 out of 10 make more than $100K/yr, and the MTA did comment, so the first anonymous needs better reading comprehension.

The article said 9/10 of all DETECTIVES - and ONLY in the MTA.

What the MTA actually said, if YOU had read it, was:

"The only other detective sergeant in the northern district was off sick for six months in 2012, so Sullivan worked a lot."

The MTA Police Dept. has covers 5000 sq. miles across 14 counties in 2 states.

There are 3 general regions. Plus, the NYPost doesn't even get its facts right. It says there are 657 employees, when the agency site lists 716.

Tell me again who doesn't read articles?

These were the people working long hours busting their asses to keep you safe when the Boston Bombers were on the lam, and those people were getting flung onto the train tracks.
I half hope one day a police officer isn't there when you need one, you ignorant loud-mouth.

Jon Torodash said...

"make a new rule, if you're investigating a crime then you still go home at 5. even if its a murder or rape and the perp is running away"

Since passage of the horrendously ill-conceived Int. 1080 in the City Council, if nothing is repealed or amended, that may one day become reality.

Anonymous said...

The article said 9/10 of all DETECTIVES - and only in the MTA....

No, actually the first line explicitly says "Nearly nine out of 10 MTA police officers who patrol the Staten Island Railway, Long Island Railroad and Metro-North rake in more than $100,000 a year, according to MTA salary data obtained by The Post through a Freedom of Information request."

Anonymous said...

There are 3 general regions. Plus, the NYPost doesn't even get its facts right. It says there are 657 employees, when the agency site lists 716.

And you trust what's written on a government agency's website? When was it last updated? The Post FOILed the info, I trust their numbers.

Anonymous said...

There's only 2 Det. Sgts in the northern district? Maybe it's time to promote a few more?

Queens Crapper said...

The article is about all MTA police, not just detectives.

Anonymous said...

There are plenty of times when I've needed a cop, even an mta cop, and they've never been around our cared to help. hate to break it to you but cops are rarely around when you need them.

Anonymous said...

t cops are rarely around when you need them
Amen.. the same is true for the patrol cops where people double park at annoying spots and doesn't get tickets while the ones whose meter is 2 minutes expired gets the tickets. Dumbbutts.

Anonymous said...

Amen.. the same is true for the patrol cops where people double park at annoying spots and doesn't get tickets while the ones whose meter is 2 minutes expired gets the tickets. Dumbbutts.
That would be Traffic Agents, not cops.

Queens Crapper said...

Cops very much give out tickets to double parked cars, as well as traffic agents.

Anonymous said...

Nice work if you can get it.

Anonymous said...

Cops very much give out tickets to double parked cars, as well as traffic agents.
Each precinct has only one or two designated Summons Officers who go out on a day tour and write about 20 PARKING summonses a day. About 99.9 precent of the rest of patrol cops either avoid writing parkers or they reserve them for times when it is deemed necessary. The VAST proportion of PARKING summonses ar written by traffic agents.

Anonymous said...

While you Queens residents are getting that little extra sleep time you deserve on Saturday morning, your friendly neighborhood precinct patrol is checking all your safety and registration stickers hoping to stick it to you.

Anonymous said...

Who patrols your subway system New York? Last time I was there it looked like nobody was! I did see plenty of jugglers, clowns, grifters, beggars, and would be musicians plying their trade down under though.

Anonymous said...

...disgusting..... the SAME people who could care LESS about corporate CEOs grinding thecrap out of the economy and making MILLIONS, turn around and whine about gov't employees LEGALLY taking the compensation offered to them?? In case ypu have not beem noticing, a police officers job is as dirty, thankless and hard as the trashman- yet if the trashman is not a work, the filth piles up. Same with crime.

Here is an idea- want to cut the overtime compensation? Make the MTA and the rest of NYS cut the insanely LONG hiring process to get new officers HIRED!!! Most of that overtime is because the MTA cannot hire more officers faster. Qualified applicants arw literally waiting 2 yrs or more just to get hired as recruits...

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