Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Avella denounces Vallone mailer

Statement from State Senator Tony Avella:

“I would like to set the record straight on the mailer that states Tony Avella is no longer running for Borough President, so now the choice is clear: Peter Vallone Jr. The mailer emphasizes that I have endorsed Vallone. In fact I have not endorsed Peter Vallone nor Melinda Katz and I will not be endorsing either candidate.”

From DNA Info:

Avella isn't laughing about the latest fliers, and said they mislead voters into thinking Vallone has picked up Avella's endorsement.

“He had no permission to do that, and I would not have OK'd it,” Avella told DNAinfo New York.

“It's disingenuous, and it misleads the public into thinking I've endorsed him, which I haven’t,” he said. “And never will. Ever.”

Vallone and Avella had sparred at forums throughout the campaign, including one where Avella accused the city councilman of using text messages to cheat on questions during a forum in July.

Avella, who dropped out after the filings were due, will still be on the ballot on Primary Day — and hasn't endorsed either Vallone or his opponent, Melinda Katz, a former member of the City Council and state Assembly.

Vallone, though, said he didn’t intend to confuse voters — only inform them.

The fliers are intended to inform voters that Tony Avella is no longer running, Vallone said.

“It was not my intent to make it look like an endorsement,” he said. “It told people he was off the ballot, and highlighted the views we both share.”

The campaign wanted to make sure voters didn’t “waste” their vote on someone who is no longer running, Vallone said.


Anonymous said...

Lets see, I could waste my vote on Vallone, I could waste it on Katz.

I shall waste it Tony Avella then.

Anonymous said...

In typical Vallone family style, lying, cheating, taking credit for something you had nothing to do with.
Open your eyes!!!! Vallones are just career politicians who are power and ego hungry. Stop feeding them and they'll go away. Don't vote stinky or his brother. Two wrongs don't make a right.

Anonymous said...

What? a candidate misleading voters? what a story, like it never happened before!

Anonymous said...

I Agree

Anonymous said...

Katz is a jerk - Vallone is a vicious snake.

Every vote out there is needed to stop him. There is no limit to the damage this man can do.

Please use your vote not as a protest, but for your borough.

Vote Katz.

Anonymous said...

Vote for Tony just to stick it to the others - especially the Vallone Queens-destroying, pro-development lobbyist!

Anonymous said...

Wow,more Vallone-y Baloney! Who knew?

Anonymous said...

What? a candidate... It has happened before that's why now more than ever the people need to change the way they vote, Stop electing big egos just because you want to be friends with a councilman, would you want to be friends with Dan Halloran?? Let's break the cycle and elect intelligence and integrity. Vote GRAZIANO!!!

Anonymous said...

Vallone has pulled out all the stops - last night was a robo-call from his mother. My wife has gotten a call in Chinese. Since we have an unlisted number, we don't even know how they got our phone number. (Bought from the union? Supplied by Board of Elections?) Vallone really is a Superman - super at annoying people.

georgetheatheist said...

The Vallones and their henchmen hit below the belt. The others remain "above the fray".

Take the gloves off already!

When will they ever learn?

Anonymous said...

Vallone is the best candidate for Queens with an actual track record proving it. I can't wait to see what's in store for Queens with Peter at the helm.

Anonymous said...

Last post also sounds like his mother.

Anonymous said...

The candidates for Queens Borough President are all pretty terrible, unless I can figure out a write-in candidate I'll have to hold my nose and vote for Melinda Katz.

Joe Moretti said...

I realize that there really is no one in this race of quality (which is a shame considering 12 horrible years of douchebag Marshall), but if you hate Vallone or Katz so much, then just vote for the other candidate Everly Brown. It seems that no one wants any of those two or are picking the lesser of two evils, but evil is evil. Bottom line, if Katz or Vallone are in, Queens is totally fucked.

Anonymous said...

You have a write in ballot - Tony Avella - easier than holding your nose just pull the lever.

Jerry Rotondi said...

Vallone family tradition--mendacity and thuggery!
A vote for either of the "V" brothers is a big mistake.

Anonymous said...

When the hell are we going to see Don Vallone get hit by the opposition gang? Put on the steel cleated boxing gloves you wimps!

Anonymous said...

Oh my GOD!

If you are goin to write in anyone

You write in al centola

And send a bi F U. To both corrupt parties

Easy peasy

Anonymous said...

I've asked sooo many times and never gotten an answer:

How exactly has Vallone destroyed Queens?

Be specific. Thank you.

Anonymous said...

How exactly has Vallone destroyed Queens?

So far, just Astoria ... but give him time.

Anonymous said...

Again, not an answer.

Perhaps the answer is that he hasn't?