Sunday, June 9, 2013

Whitestone sidewalk blockers

Summer is coming and with it many people walking the sidewalks of our beautiful Whitestone which I think has always been a pastoral type of community where people enjoy the outdoors by walking around the neighborhood and even doing short distance shopping to enjoy the summertime and afternoon delights that this jewel of a place has to offer.

But some people make these summer moments difficult by disrespecting their fellow men, women and children by forgetting the very basic urban manners in total disregard of rules and regulations written or unwritten.

Again (I have called 311 and placed a comment before on this same address before in the Queens Crapper) a car continuously blocking the sidewalk at 20-16 149th Street in Whitestone where there’s a high pedestrian (children to and from school), cars, buses and trucks pushing people to take the street which may endanger their personal safety. Shame on this person. By the way, the car that used to do this before was a white Acura with license plate number FEY 8665, now is a Honda Accord with license plate number FSX 6627.

At 20-07 Clintonville Street in Whitestone a yellow school bus from the Precious Moments Nursery School & Daycare totally blocks the sidewalk, and as most people know Clintonville Street is a heavy traffic street, highly dangerous if you have to walk in the street to avoid this vehicle. The license plate number is 14596 SL.

At the Whitestone Car Wash on the service road of the Cross Island Parkway in Whitestone you can barely walk among the cars parked on the sidewalk, customers and car washers, beyond the protection area - some cars love to park impeding pedestrian of the proper use of the sidewalk.

Finally, since is getting hotter law sprinklers are starting to make their appearance everywhere. But some of them are badly placed and regulated to the point of impeding pedestrians from using the sidewalk thus having to take some heavily traffic streets in order to avoid them and not to get wet. An example would be on 148-09 Willets Point in Whitestone-Flushing where a lawn sprinkler is all over the sidewalk wasting precious water on the sidewalk and street and putting pedestrian on risk of getting hit by an incoming vehicle. My humble question for this type of homeowner would be, if I get hit by a car while trying to avoid your sprinkler, who do you think I’m going to sue? - Anonymous


georgetheatheist said...

Why is it when the cops in the patrol car go by, they don't see this egregious parking? Why is it they don't pull over and ticket blitz all this sidewalk storage? Same thing with the auto dealers that park RIGHT ON THE SIDEWALK in front of their stores up and down Northern Boulevard. What is it with the Police Department?

Anonymous said...

So what are the cops paid to do ?

Looks like they need to hire meter maids to clean this stuff up.

Anonymous said...

What about the people who park cars on lawns. I see this more and more all over North Flushing and Bayside.
Check out this house at 157-66 19th Ave, they have three and sometimes more cars parked on the side lawn.

Anonymous said...

This is part and parcel of the overall attitude of slipping quality of life, with basement apartments, absentee landlords, uncleaned communities, noise complaints ignored.

But good God, look at an illegal immigrant with a glance, or do not dance when you see a transvestite, and the politicians go nuts.

They think that private/public property should be turned over to development and we need another million people.

They think that bike lanes, not school seats or hospital beds, are something that you should have in lavish numbers.

These are pressing needs - along with pointless proclamations the size of Roman shields handed out at pointless photo ops - street renamings for political hacks and tweeders - are the things you all really want and need.

The fact of the matter - something increasingly becoming apparent - is that the word of Crappy, and the world of our elected officials and Queens weeklies, seem to be two different planets.


Anonymous said...

What about the professional landscapers who operate their gas-powered equipment before 8am, which is against NYC law? They know the law but think they can get way with it, coming to their customers a little earlier and earlier every week to see how far they can push it. If there was an enforcement vehicle driving around North Flushing and Whitestone every morning between 7:30am-8am, they'd find many guilty gardeners.

Anonymous said...

I think the Whitestone that you fondly remember is gone.

Welcome to Goombah-ville home of the mouth breathers!

Yo...Sal...waz up? Goin' ta da game?

Anonymous said...

the people in whitestone have always felt that they are better then anyone else -- people should all get involved and call the media -- and you will see how quick all of these things stop --

Anonymous said...

Get the cop out of the car and back on the beat.

Anonymous said...

Precious Moments Owned by a Vallone. Need we say more?

Anonymous said...

Yeah...if that walyo Vallone gets in...those Ital mouth breathers will rule the roost.

Anonymous said...

I say go after the commercial violators - like that school bus, for instance - and use the money to build more schools, or fix the sewer system, or whatever. We have mixed-use zoning - which means loading bays with illegal 53' trucks blocking not only the sidewalk, but half the street, too. They shouldn't even be off the highway! Zero enforcement.

Anonymous said...

f there was an enforcement vehicle driving around North Flushing and Whitestone every morning between 7:30am-8am, they'd find many guilty gardeners.


NYC cops are not allowed to go near them. They are likely undocumented workers and are not to be touched.

Anonymous said...

The fact of the matter - something increasingly becoming apparent - is that the wor[L]d of Crappy, and the world of our elected officials and Queens weeklies, seem to be two different planets


Apparently you haven't read a Queens weekly for awhile. They don't all have their head in the sand.

Anonymous said...

Which Queens weakly wrote about this problem?

Anonymous said...

Cars blocking sidewalks? Times Ledger, Queens Chronicle for sure; the others, maybe. This car blocking this sidewalk? Probably none.

That's not the precise point anyway. Ever hear of the soccer plan for Flushing Meadows? The Astoria pool project? Civic Virtue? The probably-not robbery of Shirley Huntley's husband? All stuff certain weeklies covered, and covered well.

I would not, however, expect them to write about the person worried they'll get hit by a car walking around a sprinkler. There is a limit!

Anonymous said...

Ah yes, the weeklies didn't let the big topics get past them. Cars blocking sidewalks I haven't read about except for a car dealership doing it and an elected getting involved.

The point is that most Queens weeklies reprint politician press releases word for word and never write a bad thing about them, unless, of course, they get indicted. The scrutiny should happen well before that, but because they take ads out during holidays, the pens are silenced. Can't risk that ad revenue.

These local papers are in residential areas for the most part and one would expect editors to notice these quality of life problems well before a press release crosses their desks.

Anonymous said...

Regarding Northern Boulevard auto dealers, check out Star Toyota at 205-11 Northern Boulevard. ( ). When they wanted to expand their operations, who did anything? The politicians? No. Inspectors? No. Citizens showed up at the hearing (I don't know who did, I thank them though) and noted, among other things, that they were not in compliance with curb cut conditions. It also mentions that they were using the sidewalk as a car wash and parking cars on the sidewalk.

Walk down that sidewalk and look at whether their poles are placed on their property or on the public sidewalk (guess the answer). Then look at the curb cuts. Then look at the boundaries of their last lot paving job between the sidewalk and the lot. Ask yourself if they have the minimal five foot sidewalk width there.

Anonymous said...

Why is it when the cops in the patrol car go by, they don't see this egregious parking? Why is it they don't pull over and ticket blitz all this sidewalk storage? Same thing with the auto dealers that park RIGHT ON THE SIDEWALK in front of their stores up and down Northern Boulevard. What is it with the Police Department?
George, about twenty years ago I.....I mean a friend of mine, addressed the condition of car dealers parking all over the sidewalk in a Queens precinct loaded with car dealers on one portion of Northern Blvd. Let's just say that a good friend of a former mayor reached out to the Boro Chief, who reached out to the precinctCO and had the summonses voided. As for friend, he was...let's just say, reinstructed in the ways of the world.

Anonymous said...

I have been seeing this more and more in Middle Village, as well as in Whitestone.

Anonymous said...

The vehicles physically blocking the sidewalk I get, but the sprinkler crap?What kind of wusses do we have here that we'd rather risk life and limb out in the street than the wrath and ruin of a few drops of sprinkler water.Get over yourseles precious ones.Dampness is not a disabling , dangerous or permanent condition.You do become dry eventually!

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