Saturday, June 8, 2013

Stumped on Linden Street

Back in 2011, there was a happy little tree on the corner of Linden Street at 60th Place in Ridgewood.

But then something bad happened (Sandy?), and now all that's left is this stump, which has been here for months, and has some kind of identifying number painted on it, similar to a toe-tag on a cadaver.

It would be nice if someone picked this eyesore up and disposed of it properly.


Anonymous said...

It would be nice if someone picked this eyesore up and disposed of it properly.
Apparently, no one wants to go out on a limb.

Anonymous said...

Call 311

Anonymous said...

Call 311

Why do we need to do that?

Do the cops on the beat not see the problem? Maybe the sanitation department guys might see this while doing their rounds. Perhaps even meter maids can report this situation. Or more, let's ask who cut this tree down? Apparently they removed the upper part, so why were they not required to move the roots?

Civil servants are not what they used to be.

Anonymous said...

Apparently they removed the upper part, so why were they not required to move the roots?


what??? but but but thats a different union! how dare you suggest someone in a civil service job do more than one task!

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