Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Quinn suddenly cares about slumlords

From CBS New York:

...fixing the 684 violations at 545, 553, and 557 46th Street is not as simple as tracking down a slumlord.

These buildings were foreclosed on and the mortgage was sold to an investment company.

“You might have thought you could buy a property that you’d flip quickly and make a lot of money,” said City Council Speaker Christine Quinn on Monday. “But what you bought is a whole lot of misery.”

“You bought the lead paint. You bought the rats. They are yours,” Quinn said.

It’s a situation 100,000 homes have been through, said Quinn.

The city can step in and make the repairs there.

“And then we’re going to take you to court and sue you for the money you owe the city of New York and if you don’t pay it we will take it away from you,” Quinn said.


Anonymous said...

Hey speaker Quinn...how about going after the slumlord Wolcoff family (Davis Street LIC, 5 Pointz site).

The rats run around the place in broad daylight.

Food cart vendors serving the metro area load up amid rat and pigeon feces.

These are Jerry & David Wolcoff's tenants (probably without leases).

This represents a major health crisis.

The hot dog you buy from a food cart in Manhattan may harbor a deadly rat spread disease.

Anonymous said...

"...we're going to take it away from you..." And do what? Give it to HPD? Allow another entity to buy it and take up the obligation to pay for the repairs? Allow another entity to buy it after it's been repaired and make a tidy profit? and what about the people who live there?

Anonymous said...

The closer it gets to november the you hear that shrill voice.Next on her agenda is that she is bi......What won't she do for a vote?

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