Friday, June 7, 2013

Obamacare will screw every NYC taxpayer

From the NY Post:

The city’s generous health-care benefits for municipal workers might qualify as costly “Cadillac plans” that get socked with significant financial penalties under ObamaCare, Mayor Bloomberg’s budget director warned yesterday.

Councilman Jimmy Oddo (R-SI) raised the potentially explosive possibility during a routine budget hearing.

“It would mean the city would get a 40 percent excise tax,” Oddo pointed out.

When he asked Budget Director Mark Page if that was a concern, he got a one-word reply: “Yes.”

Employers who spend more than $10,200 a year on health insurance for an individual employee or $27,500 for a family would start getting penalized in 2018. The tax is aimed at prodding employers to eliminate bloated medical-insurance costs.


Anonymous said...

When an employer pays $27,000 for employee health insurance it is deducted from his profit and that means he pays less taxes. Let's face it if he pays less taxes everyone is chipping in for these plans.

Looks like six of one or half a dozen of the other.

Anonymous said...

Remember this when your local elected gleefully tells you all the unions that support them.

Does a union live, vote, send kids to school, put up with what Joe puts up with in Jamaica?

But they certainly know how to stick us with bills.

Anonymous said...

"Does a union live, vote, send kids to school, put up with what Joe puts up with in Jamaica?"

No but their members do.

I agree unions ALWAYS choose to endorse the politician that's going to screw them over when push comes to shove...

Anonymous said...

in other words, city union workers have been getting more-than-generous plans for a long time know while they claim oppression and hardship.

Anonymous said...

Anon #2 - yes they do. The unions had no say in a piece of federal legislation, and they raised hell when the "Cadillac plan tax" came down the pike. "This" is going to cost THEM more than YOU, because in addition to THEM paying the taxes to support Obamacare in general, it will mean fewer of THEM are hired, and THEY will lose more on salary and other benefits in future negotiations because THEIR plans are taxed specially. I'm not saying unions don't make mistakes and pick bad leaders, but they are much more like you than the Congress and Pres. that pushed this through.

Queens Crapper said...

This is a result of congress passing a bill after a massive PR campaign without knowing what was in it, and unions and the general public supporting this stupidity without knowing what was in it. You have to wonder why the president thinks a health plan that destroys jobs is a good idea.

Anonymous said...

To the nitwits who voted for obama, you deserve to get screwed.

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