Monday, June 3, 2013

Building a mall not the walk in the park the Wilpons think it is

We've been hearing that some "ironclad" agreement between Robert Moses and the Mets allows for the Wilpons and Related to do pretty much whatever the hell they want with the public parkland next to CitiField, but the Urban Justice Center sent a letter to their lawyers that explains why that isn't the case.

From Willets Point United:

Urban Justice Center letter to Sterling-Related

This is just starting to get interesting, folks!

By the way, Flushing Meadows recently lost 358 acres...


Anonymous said...


Now would someone please use this get on Ann Jawin for taking over the Fort Totten building:

Jerry Rotondi said...


Keep on kicking ass!
Let the Wilpons, and their friends, feel
your foot up their butts!

Please excuse me for my crudity,
but I hate land thieves.
They deserve hanging like horse thieves in the old west.

Any, out there, who dislike my attitude can expect more crudity in reply.

:) have a nice day.

Anonymous said...

Another victory for WPU? I hope so. I wonder if all the rush was to squeeze in the OK's before the park acreage was reassessed, and I wonder if the taking of parkland for non-park usage requires offsets based on % of total. And, fuck you Wilpon!!!

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