Sunday, May 5, 2013

Who will follow through?

To the so-called "leaders" of Jamaica:

I have made several complaints with some property near me, but it seems nothing has been done and the garbage is still there and the owner has done nothing.

1. Empty lot at 170-19 89th Avenue. Garbage is still sitting in front of this as of this morning. A problematic area that has continuous dumping.

2. House (not vacant) on that same block at 170-12 89th Avenue. Been over a month, mattress still in front yard and garbage, with more garbage seen this morning.

3. Outside around empty lot at 169-23 90th Ave, corner of 170th/90th Street. Another problematic area for garbage. Have been complaining about this for a long time. This is right next to my apartment building. I have been cleaning it on a daily basis, but stopped 11 days ago to see what would happen. It is not even June and the weeds are getting high and there is litter being dumped.

As the group Chicago sang, "Does anybody really care?"

By the way vote for the official Jamaica mascot.

Joe Moretti
Jamaica, NY 11432


Anonymous said...

Very little can be done to change the unsanitary, tribal, living habits, of these 3rd world type ghetto dwellers.

Jamaica is a dump. It started going down hill in the early 1960s and will continue in its decline.

Meanwhile Jamaica's "town fathers" pocket money and ignore conditions...AS LONG AS WHERE THEY LIVE IS OK!

You can't make a silk purse out of a sows ear. Jamaica will remain Jamaica...until a certain population leaves it.

Anonymous said...

stop wasting your time. Jamaica is lost

Anonymous said...

I have been very successful when I call 311 to register a complaint with the Health Department and the Sanitation Department. They will connect you with a person that handles that particular agency.

You have to be explicit and detail the conditions that are unsanitary causing health issues. My experience is that they come rather quickly. Mesquito season is upon us and this is a health issue in properties that are over grown with weeds and have accumulated water. Rat and other vermin live in these horrible conditions.

You need to be there when the inspectors arrive and insist that violations are issued where appropriate.

Seriously, you have to play up the health issues. The Sanitation Department will only be able to clean up the areas that belong to the City (6 ft. from the curb?).

In addition, I have always asked Senator Avella, even when he was Councilman, to please send letters to the above-referenced Agencies.
He has his staff look into the matter and the appropriate letters go out. There usually is immediate results.

Joe Moretti said...

To anonymous #3:

I am way ahead of you on that one. The issue is that those areas did not get cleaned up after all of what you stated, hence the reason for the post.

georgetheatheist said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

I have been very successful when I call 311 to register a complaint with the Health Department and the Sanitation Department. They will connect you with a person that handles that particular agency.

You have to be explicit and detail the conditions that are unsanitary causing health issues. My experience is that they come rather quickly. Mesquito season is upon us and this is a health issue in properties that are over grown with weeds and have accumulated water. Rat and other vermin live in these horrible conditions.

You need to be there when the inspectors arrive and insist that violations are issued where appropriate.

Seriously, you have to play up the health issues. The Sanitation Department will only be able to clean up the areas that belong to the City (6 ft. from the curb?).

In addition, I have always asked Senator Avella, even when he was Councilman, to please send letters to the above-referenced Agencies.
He has his staff look into the matter and the appropriate letters go out. There usually is immediate results.
311 is a sham to get your councilman out of trouble so they can spend their time with developers and do photo ops with the clueless.

I mean, if i want to play councilman, why don't I get paid to compensate me for the time and trouble.

IF you have a problem, bring the stinking pile of shit to your councilman's door. Considering their recent track record in convictions, passing frivolous legislation, cluttering our in-boxes with pointless emails, and general sense of arrogant entitlement, lets have them work for a living.

Anonymous said...

Jamaica will remain Jamaica...until a certain population leaves it.

Ain't gonna happen as long as the Democrats control things - when these people vote they vote Democratic, and if they don't, their needs are tailor made for the welfare state run by the cronies of the Democratic machine.

Look up the word 'tweeding'

Anonymous said...

File your 311 complaint online where you can attach photos of the problem. Then follow up on your complaint by checking the 311 website to see how the problem was resolved.

Or you can continue to kvetch online. How about it, Joe?

Joe Moretti said...

Anon 8:

Your smartass comment withstanding, have already done that, called, done the online thing, attached photos, sent emails to the elected officials, community boards, etc, etc. Again, I have done all of those things, that is the reason for the the post. Even having done every single one of those things, nothing has been done.

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