Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Place your bets...

Who will it be?

From the Times-Union:

Last week, prosecutors revealed in a pre-sentencing letter that Huntley wore a wire for several months in pursuit of a cooperation agreement with federal investigators, and in a separate Tuesday filing said their sentencing memo — which will detail the extent of her cooperation — contains the names of eight people under investigation. Six of those people are elected officials. One of the nine is not under investigation.

District Judge Jack Weinstein agreed with members of the courtroom press corps that the public's right to know outweighed the danger of compromising any ongoing investigations. He scheduled the unsealing of the memo for 2 p.m. Wednesday.


Anonymous said...

Geez...she looks like one of those characters
that used to pop up in "Sanford & Son".

"Lamont, quick, get the broom".

Anonymous said...

Her husband, cousin, niece, nephew, grandson, cat, dog,....
Can't wait for the list to be read!

Anonymous said...

If she agreed to wear a wire, imagine the goods they had on her...

Anonymous said...

I'd prefer they not release, so that those watched aren't tipped off before the feds can nail 'em. But for what it's worth - Shelly Silver.

Anonymous said...

Yes. Shelly needs to go regardless .
He's a snake in the grass and must have known and should have known what's been going on.

Anonymous said...

Thinking back to all of those election flyers that flooded our mailboxes,, I always said she looked shady .

Anonymous said...

Toby on the list?

Anonymous said...

Sanford & Son! LOL! "Fred...You Heathen!"

Anonymous said...

It's out!

S tate Senator John S am pson
M elvin L ow e, (form er political consultant and associate of N ew Y ork S tate
A ttorney G eneral E ric S chneiderm an)
S tate Senator E ric A dam s
S tate Senator R uth H assel-T hom pson
S tate Senator Jose P eralta
S tate Senator M alcolm S m ith
C ity C ouncilm an R ubin W ills
S tate Senator V elm anette M ontgom ery
C u rtis T aylor, (form er press advisor for M alcolm S m ith)

Anonymous said...

"Mrs. Huntley met with attorneys for the government and FBI agents
regularly over a six-month period. During her interviews with the government,
she advised them that she had knowledge of what she believed to be corruption
involving public officials. She was asked by the government’s attorneys and FBI
agents to invite certain individuals into her home and record conversations on
behest of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. She willing did as they had
requested. During the summer of 2012, Ms. Huntley upon the prompting of the
U.S. Attorney’s Office and the FBI recorded and photographed the following
individuals on multiple occasions:
State Senator John Sampson
Melvin Lowe, (former political consultant and associate of New York State
Attorney General Eric Schneiderman)
State Senator Eric Adams
State Senator Ruth Hassel-Thompson
State Senator Jose Peralta
State Senator Malcolm Smith
City Councilman Rubin Wills
State Senator Velmanette Montgomery
Curtis Taylor, (former press advisor for Malcolm Smith)"

Case 1:13-cr-00054-JBW Document 26-1 Filed 05/08/13 Page 8 of 10 PageID #: 322

Moby said...

Missed me!!!

Anonymous said...

Eric Adams?
Where's Helen Marshall?

Anonymous said...

"Where's Helen Marshall?"

Parts of this document we're intentionally kept from the public due to ongoing investigations.

Anonymous said...

And what's goin on with the Racino investigation?

Anonymous said...

"Lamont, here come the big one"!

Anonymous said...

She is a pathetic human being. I guess all those visitors to her home are sweating big time.

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