Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Now here's something they should have just torn down

This thing is hideous. As Curbed writes, "It's, uh, an interesting look. At least they preserved the facade, right?" Yikes!


Anonymous said...

Interesting? "Curb" needs to be disposed at the curb.

Anonymous said...

Here's something that should have never been built!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell approved all of this crap?!

Anonymous said...

Who the hell approved all of this crap?!

Well, hell that's easy - its the same people that look the other way when Joe brings his latest batch of pictures of Jamaica, its the same people that know more arrested crocks than most made men, its the same people that play games with our taxes favoring the incompetent toadies, its the same people that look the other way when an absentee landlord makes the house next door a public safety hazard, its the same people that brings in the 3rd world to your door step and expects you to shout with glee, its the same people that give your taxes to developers to glut you community with hipsters that look down on you....

and its the same people that you send back to office with 90% of the vote - when they have an opponent.

Next question.

Anonymous said...

Looks like a pimple on an elephant.

Anonymous said...

"Looks like a pimple on an elephant."

Wrong end. More like a hemorrhoid on a ....

georgetheatheist said...

The yellow & blue modern crap on the corner gets yanked and I kinda like it. Saving the old with the new.

Joe Moretti said...

Sorry folks but I actually like it and that yellow and blue corner is going to be a nice sit down restaurant next month. Living here in Jamaica, believe me this is a vast improvement over all the third world looking 3-4 story pieces of shit all over the place. Those apartments are actually extremely nice and state of the art (better built than some of those Long Island City places) and the view on the top is pretty amazing, high enough not to see the garbage.

Anonymous said...

Well, hell that's easy - its the same people that look the other way when Joe brings his latest batch of pictures of Jamaica, its the same people that know more arrested crocks than most made men, its the same people that play games with our taxes favoring the incompetent toadies, its the same people that look the other way when an absentee landlord makes the house next door a public safety hazard, its the same people that brings in the 3rd world to your door step and expects you to shout with glee, its the same people that give your taxes to developers to glut you community with hipsters that look down on you....

and its the same people that you send back to office with 90% of the vote - when they have an opponent.


Anonymous said...

I don't know ... I'm not a big fan of that tiny bit of facade on Madison behind St. Patrick's either ...

Anonymous said...

Would have made an ideal public library but that's too much for our elected officials to imagine

Sandy Hamilton said...

This is the court house on Sutphin and 89th Ave What is it now an apartment building?

Joe Moretti said...

Actually that was a library before it became the Family Court House. Then the library was moved to Merrick Boulevard.

Anonymous said...

Jamaica's becoming a worse shit hole than Flushing,
so what's the difference WTF gets built?

At least Floo-shing's Asians don't do drive by shootings.

This is an example of yet another eyesore, which has been made possible by those lazy ass "White boys" at The Greater Jamaica Destruction Corp.

Thank you, "supreme White leader", Mr. Carlise Towrey.

Anonymous said...

Would be great if there was some explanation and context. Some of us have no idea where or what this is, other than an old building adjacent to a new one. I'm glad they saved the old building, quite frankly.

Queens Crapper said...

1) The explanation and context is at the link provided.
2) It's not a new building next to an old one. It's an old building half-demolished with a new one built inside it. They didn't save the old building. They destroyed it.

Count Your Blessings said...

"A half a loaf is better than none." Especially in this climate of historical demolition.

Anonymous said...

This building should have been landmarked and a good use found for it.

Yet another example of Queens - the poster child of a place that no one - even Queens itself, takes the place seriously.

Anonymous said...

They're doing this same kind of crap all over Manhattan.

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