Sunday, May 5, 2013

Chu wins $20K in defamation suit

From the Daily News:

The former traffic agent who City Councilman Dan Halloran accused of speeding through stop signs on a Dunkin' Donuts Coffee Coolatta run has won $20,000 in his defamation suit against the city.
Daniel Chu claimed the stress of the public humiliation left him with Bell's palsy disease.

“My guess is the city settled because Halloran now has no credibility,” said Michael Berkley, Chu’s lawyer.

In court papers, Chu alleged Halloran orchestrated a retaliation campaign after he ticketed the Republican’s chief of staff in 2010.

As a public official, Halloran — who has since been indicted on corruption charges — had the platform to do it and blasted the lowly traffic agent in numerous TV and newspaper interviews.
He claimed Chu was on duty speeding and yakking on his cell phone en route to the chain coffee shop.

Chu had initially asked for $6 million.

He originally asked for $6M and settled for $20K? What a joke.


Anonymous said...

It's admirable that Chu and his lawyer were motivated more by justice than greed. Lawsuits are a big drain on our city's budget and it's awesome that Chu only sought to avenge Halloran and not the 8 million taxpayers of this city.

I met Chu a few months ago at the Maspeth tow pound. He's the most polite employee on site. Sure, it sucked having my car towed for parking where I wasn't supposed to, but having Chu direct me to the car with his humor and knowledge of local politics... that made my day.

Anonymous said...

For those who dont understand; Piece of Shit.

We just continue to elect these monkeys into office.... Cant wait to see the next one.

Anonymous said...

There we go again...
another Asiatic pulling the race card.

Orientals seem to be always getting a free ride on us taxpayers.

Gee...I wish that I were I could get my rights respected....not that Halloran isn't a piece of crap!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 3:

Who played the race card here? This was a guy who said he was slandered, and the city government appears to have agreed with him.

Queens Crapper said...

The city government didn't agree with him. The city government settled for $20k because it would have cost more to fight this in court. Chu was "Motivated more by justice than greed." What a joke. He doesn't deserve a dime.

Anonymous said...

Daniel Chu claimed the stress of the public humiliation left him with Bell's palsy disease.
From Web MD:
Bell's palsy is a paralysis or weakness of the muscles on one side of your face.
The cause of Bell's palsy is not clear.
Most people who have Bell's palsy recover completely, without treatment, in 1 to 2 months.
How the heck did the humiliation cause Bell's Palsey? Why be humiliated if the allegations are not true? Sigh....

Anonymous said...

I think he had the disease and Halloran exacerbated the condition.

Halloran should have to reimburse the City.

Anonymous said...

I wasn't at the Dunkin Donuts when the incident occurred, so I have no idea who was telling the truth. However, we do know that Halloran likes to shoot his mouth off and vilify people in the media - just ask the sanitation workers about that. IMHO, neither Chu nor Halloran have much credibility, so the City Law Department was wise to cut a deal.

Anonymous said...

It looks like some Asiatic troll is busy defending his ownt.

But I agree...the government always seems to "agree" with Orientals...even if their conduct is questionable.

That's because nobody wants to "offend" them.
Who else pours tons of overseas laundered Taiwanese money into US political campaigns?

So let's not cap the pipeline by insulting these "honorable" donors.

Retired (just in time) former Congressman Gary Ackerman wrote the book on all by his close pal, Tommy Huang.

Maybe Gary's replacement, Grace Meng, will print a second addition.

She's the daughter of a convicted Taiwanese-American former Assemblyman. Congresswoman Meng ought to have better access to that cash flow, pipe line from Taipei.

The FBI had better keep working on cleaning up the whole house.
Or did I mean the House of Representatives?

Anonymous said...

I believe Dan. Chu emboldened by this win will keep speeding while talking on his cell phone in a city owned vehicle. Chu will make the papers again. Next time, it could be worse.

let's do the math. tell me how much of that goes to the attorney.

and btw, nice try on the first post Chu. but we all know it's a lot of crap.

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