Saturday, September 1, 2012

Problem students to get a reprieve

From the Daily News:

Teachers and principals will have a tougher time kicking troublemakers out of class in the upcoming school year, thanks to a new city mandate for softer punishments.

City educrats have altered the “Discipline Code” so that staffers can only suspend students who commit more serious offenses.

Kids who engage in “disorderly behavior,” such as smoking, gambling, swearing, lying to teachers and leaving school without permission, will get a slap on the wrist instead of their walking papers.

Educators will now respond to such behavior with reprimands, parent conferences and lunchtime detentions.

Meanwhile, students who display “disruptive behavior,” such as disobeying teachers, pushing other kids, or vandalizing school property, can still be suspended.

Students who are caught committing relatively minor crimes multiple times in a single school year may still be suspended.

Education Department spokeswoman Margie Feinberg said the new rules will keep kids who commit “low-level infractions” in class, where they can learn from their mistakes.


Anonymous said...

This bodes well.

Then again, why detract them from smoking. Addicts contribute how much in tobacco taxes each year again?

School is nothing more than a stable for tax cattle. The difference between being a public school student and a ward of state is diminishing.

Anonymous said...

Then what's your solution? Have that student sitting at home playing video games or hanging out with his similar minded friends and tagging graffiti on your property or car? What you're saying is obvious. I'd like to hear your solution.

Anonymous said...

Great! So the city simply takes the prevailing practice at many schools (whether troubled or not) and formalize it across the entire system. Who's the smartass plagiarizing from the "How To Ruin The Public School System in Ten Easy Steps" playbook?

Wishing to keep the disciplinary numbers down on paper, many city principals have already taken upon themselves to either ignore the problem outright (as if the problem will go away) or in the case of more egregious misbehavior from students, misclassify as a lesser offense. Wouldn't surprise me if those principals (more and more of them seem to have less actual teaching experience than the majority of front-line teachers in their school nowadays) can't even handle those problem kids any better than the teachers.

Anonymous said...

the problem "students" need to wear pink underwear like Arizona's Sherif Joe demands.

i bet a little Clint Eastwood "Dirty Harry " supervision would not harm them either.

the only reason the progressives, Walcott, Jackson Jr., Fineberg, Quinn want these kids in a seat is the $20,000. per /pupil/year taxpayer $$$ .

they and the U.F.T.only care about the $$$$, not the educational failure of the kids.

Anonymous said...

"i bet a little Clint Eastwood "Dirty Harry " supervision would not harm them either."

After the Republican National Convention, I wouldn't let "Dirty Chairy" near any kids!!!

Anonymous said...

"the only reason the progressives, Walcott, Jackson Jr., Fineberg, Quinn want these kids in a seat is the $20,000. per /pupil/year taxpayer $$$ .

they and the U.F.T.only care about the $$$$, not the educational failure of the kids."

Somebody actually gets it. !!!!

Anonymous said...

this is racist.....lowering standards for which color? certainly NOT for Lithuanians, or Greeks, or who prey tell is this done for?

inquiring minds want to know!

Anonymous said...

Anon No. 7:

Prey tell?

Pray that these students learn to spell!

Anonymous said...

Whatever happened to
"being left back" a grade and reform schools?

Anonymous said...

in 1980 , "600 schools "were the new "reform schools".

the progressives then labeled them "for pupils to 21 years of age who could not follow direction".

they are now called "schools for troubled teens ".

new labels, same B/S/ problem group.

one must trace their juvenile court record to find out the truth.

there is a paper trail on the 200-400 "children " in the group, if you can find it .

try a F.O.I. search.....

Anonymous said...

These "problem" kids need to be isolated

One rotten apple in the lot
can spoil the whole damn barrel full !

Unfit liberal teachers have run rampant for too
many years...hiding under the skirt of Albert Shanker!

Anonymous said...

Yep, give me lunchtime detention for cutting class. I will cut that too. Call my parents, sorry, Mom doesn't speak English or she is out earning her drug money the old fashioned way...

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