Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Marshall is M.I.A.

From the NY Post:

Life’s a beach if you’re Queens Borough President Helen Marshall, who spends more time in the Hamptons than the halls of government, sources told The Post.

Marshall, 82, has been AWOL since June, claim Borough Hall insiders.

The three-term lame-duck Democrat is “just blowing it off,” observed a shocked source who said Marshall summers in Sag Harbor, where she keeps a tidy one-story home.

“She won’t be back to work until September 15th!” the source gasped.
And insiders say her absenteeism has hurt Queens.

“She is supposed to be the ambassador of the borough,” said one political source. “All that she’s really done is some ribbon-cutting. It’s actually pathetic.”

Marshall rakes in $160,000 a year. She doesn’t receive a specified set of vacation days, according to the City Charter.

“Her reputation is she’s very MIA,” charged one Queens pol. “She’s a very low-maintenance borough president — that’s been her whole career, but now that she’s getting older and her term is coming to an end, that might be even more the case.”

When confronted with the claims, Marshall grew fiery, at first denying them and then claiming she’s been working from her East Elmhurst home.


Anonymous said...

You think this is the only politician we're wasting money on, think again.

Anonymous said...

Then she spends her winters
on her developers friends' yachts in the Bahamas.

Like I've said many times before
but it's always worth repeating...


Anonymous said...

12 years of throwing Queens county to the wolves. What a despicable person. You never see her out in public. Only when she has a shovel in her hand.

Anonymous said...

You never see her out in public. Only when she has a shovel in her hand.

And you know what she's shoveling!!!

Anonymous said...

WOW! That's not the crazy tanning lady? Could've fooled me!

Joe Moretti, Jamaica, NY said...

Is it any wonder why Queens is in the condition it is. I have always said, as many have here, there is such a poor lack of quality leadership in the borough. Again we need individuals who actually care with a take charge attitude and a vision, not someone collecting a hefty paycheck, waiting for the next ribbon cutting photo-op and getting a major tan in between.

Anonymous said...

Time to abolish the Office of Borough President. It's a do nothing job that lines the pockets of the politician with taxpayer money and perks. How old is Helen again? She needs to be in a Senior Retirement Village in Florida. How long has she had this cushy job? Time to go Helen.

Anonymous said...

If you review the history of Queens' borough presidents, you will discover that quite a few were shady...on the take...resigned in the face of ongoing investigations...or out and out crooks!

Begin with "honest" Larry Gresser (early 1900s) for example...followed by Maurice Connelly (20s or 30s sewer scandal), etc.

Then we have the king of corruption...Donald Manes...himself.

Of course, Claire Shulman, Manes' most apt protege...was fined for illegal lobbying.
Her other crimes are yet undiscovered.

Now Helen Marshal pales compared to BPs like these.

This dimwit just nods her approval on practically every development project put before her.

This is done by her on the advice of Irving Poy and Alex Rosa...the lifers who currently run borough hall.

Somebody's got to, with "non compos menti" Helen supposedly at the helm.

Anonymous said...

you know who the "real queens BP "is?helen is only a "beard".

Anonymous said...

She isn't MIA. Here are a few of her accomplishments:

Cutting trees behind Borough Hall, secretly trying to remove Triumph of Virtue, shoving an ill-conceived soccer arena into the heart of Flushing Meadows...

Anonymous said...

She isn't MIA. Here are a few of her accomplishments:

Cutting trees behind Borough Hall, secretly trying to remove Triumph of Virtue, shoving an ill-conceived soccer arena into the heart of Flushing Meadows...


Let's not forget the airhead's support of the Willets Point land grab, approval of the police academy in the already overdeveloped College Point, the garbage waste transfer station in back of the police academy, the proposed expansion of the U. S. Open tennis facility, the proposed development of the Citifield parking lot. I'm sure others will add to the ever-expanding list!

PS Why isn't Claire Shulman in jail yet???

Anonymous said...

She showed up at the JetBlue sign lighting ceremony last week and got completely sloshed.

Ann Juliano Jawin said...

Helen Marshall is a wonderful representative for my proposed Great Women of Queens Monument.

Anonymous said...

She looks 82.

Anonymous said...

Here's another Helen Marshall accomplishment: doing nothing about the NYS Pavilion, allowing it to continue deteriorating.

Anonymous said...

Is it any wonder why Queens is in the condition it is. I have always said, as many have here, there is such a poor lack of quality leadership in the borough. Again we need individuals who actually care with a take charge attitude and a vision, not someone collecting a hefty paycheck, waiting for the next ribbon cutting photo-op and getting a major tan in between.


Joe, the politicians are like a mold that grows in right conditions, they did not spontaneously show up one day.

Go to a QCC event and you might get some ideas as what its like to be in the dark and spread shit around for the fungi to thrive.

Anonymous said...

"NYS Pavilion"
No shit, volunteer, painters, restoration experts & engineers were willing to stabilize the tent and spiff it up pro-bono.
These guys even had paint corporations ready to donate the paint and materials
Marshalls exact words were ABSOLUTELY NOT DON'T LAY A FINGER ON IT. She also gave bullshit stories LIES to the press regarding its condition.
The observation towers were built on steel pylons that are 100% stable and the staircases are not all "rotten with birdshit" .
Fact is the lower 6 or so steps rotted because vandals removed copper drainage pipe.
You can still climb up carefully once you get past the first landing up.
The main elevator motor and relay racks are still in the basement
Marshall is s corrupt LIAR wretch who belongs in jail.

Anonymous said...

"Is it any wonder why Queens is in the condition it is. I have always said, as many have here, there is such a poor lack of quality leadership in the borough. Again we need individuals who actually care with a take charge attitude and a vision, not someone collecting a hefty paycheck, waiting for the next ribbon cutting photo-op and getting a major tan in between."

So true so true yet no one wants to step up and take the lead. When one does, the politicians set out the dogs to dig up dirt and when they don't find dirt, they make it up. Look at what is going on in council district 19. The councilman has gone on the attack with all that have opposed him. To the point of hiring full time staff and consultants to troll and tarnish anyone who speaks out. Check it out folks. The honest people don't want to step up into this disgusting world and when one does the insiders attempt to destroy lives , reputations, and careers. Why would any decent person want to put themselves out there? We as voters need to let those that step up and stand up, know that we support them. Not sit back and watch the attacks for fear of being bitten.

Anonymous said...

Marshall is missing some brains!

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