Sunday, September 2, 2012

Increase in vandalism at Juniper Park

From The Forum:

For years, neighbors have witnessed teens gathering at Juniper Valley Park on warm summer nights to indulge in underage drinking. Although some have dismissed the drinking as typical teen behavior and turned a blind eye, Bob Holden, President of the Juniper Park Civic Association, is taking a stand saying it is not only illegal, but it leads to more serious problems like vandalism.

On multiple occasions, Holden said he has driven by the park late at night and noticed groups of teenagers drinking beer. The children are not only violating the 9:00 p.m. curfew, they are also leaving behind a mess for the Parks Department to clean.

“I see the evidence the following day. There are beer bottles and broken bottles all over the ball fields and by the hockey ring,” he said. “The Parks Department and volunteers are the ones who clean up and they’re constantly picking the garbage up,” he added.

Holden attributes most of the vandalism at Juniper Park to teens hanging out in the park and drinking. “When you have underage kids drinking in the park unsupervised, it can lead to crazy things. A lot of what we get is vandalism,” he said.

Although Middle Village residents have reported kids drinking at Juniper for years, Holden expressed concern that this summer they are drinking in much larger crowds. “I mean we used to have drinking and it would be a group of four or five but now, about three weeks ago, I saw about twenty kids,” he said.


georgetheatheist said...

So? Where were the cops? What the hell do the cops do anyway?

Anonymous said...

Ask Mr Public Safety and our next boro president, Mr Peter Vallone Jr.

Anonymous said...

That area around the park is changing for the worse. It's seen better days.

FluShing Rezident said...

It also happens every night at Bowne Park. Kids have been drinking and getting high at BP since the 60's.

Why not put up webcams and stream them to websites available to the public? Then one could call the cops when one saw drinking and drugs (or people stealing turtles and fish from the pond!!!)

But that solution would be too inexpensive and easy!

Anonymous said...

There is no crime in Middle Village. When I lived there I was always surprised to see a patrol car.

Anonymous said...

George with two or three cArs turned out during a late tour at the 104 they are probably doing more with less as per Bloomberg and Kelly's orders. One or two heavy. calls at the Brooklyn border side of the precinct could put the entire neighborhood without police coverage for the entire tour.

RR4GCP said...

From experience, the cops will tell you that it is an issue that the Parks Dept. needs to handle even though that Dept. will tell you that they are underfunded and don't have enough manpower in Queens. It is horrible that our valuable recreational spaces are being abused and neglected constantly.

Anonymous said...

There are 5,000 fewer cops in the city since Bloomberg became mayor.
Listen to a scanner one night and hear for yourself how busy your precinct is. Underage drinking is not a priority when more serious calls are being answered. How about parental and local community responsibility keeping the teens from drinking.

Anonymous said...

Flushing Meadows is a lot worse........

Anonymous said...

when there are BOCCE courts ,the vandals will have met their match.

btw, where are the photos of the fish and turtle thieves at Bowne Park pond ? the fish and turtles are still swimming in the are the 50 ducks that i saw last month.

did you make a PD report ?

Queens Crapper said...

There are bocce courts at Juniper Park and this is still happening. It happens AT NIGHT.

Anonymous said...

Keep calling 911.The number of radio runs is one of the criteria that determines manpower...........

Anonymous said...

Bowne Park is much smaller than Juniper Park.

That's why the bocce players
are able to keep a better eye on things.

These local Guidos sure know how to keep the peace.

Nothing like the mob to out perform
the NYPD Dunkin Donut crew.

Anonymous said...

the Bocce players are a group of senior American citizens ,many from middle european cultures, having their daily exercise. try it will feel better and probably live longer.

your hate may destroy you #13.stop the anti-american spin?

Anonymous said...

Retired senior citizen mobsters is more like it.

If you happen top be Jewish, for example,
could you get in on this gommbah dominated game?

I highly doubt it.

No hate...just the plain truth spoken here.

I happen to be an Italian-American.

Joe said...

"Nothing like the mob to out perform
the NYPD Dunkin Donut crew"
No shit--Holden should make a request to re-constitute the "Boogiemen" it fix that problem in 2 nights.
Perhaps George can write up a proposal

Anonymous said...

If the CIA can subcontract its "wet work" to the mob...
then let the police privatize their patrolling in a similar manner.

Problem solved!

Do these vandals really want to cross Don Vito?

I think not.

Anonymous said...

RE: #'s 13,15 17, bowne park bocce courts, middle european culture prevails.

no need to target any ethnicity there.

your thoughts are divisive and untrue .

all cultures have favorite sports.

your negative comments on this topic are immature. grow up....

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