Thursday, September 6, 2012

Another court-ordered Willets Point delay

From the Daily News:

Plans to revamp the gritty industrial landscape of Willets Point must remain on hold until the city can produce an “appropriate” environmental review, a court has ruled.

In an Aug. 14 decision, the city was ordered to double its efforts in evaluating toxic soil, hazardous roads and chronic flooding before moving forward with plans to overhaul the 62-acre Iron Triangle.

“The City will not proceed with development in Willets Point,” the court order states. “The appropriate environmental review will be prepared and any additional approvals that are necessary will be sought for future development in Willets Point.”

Willets Point United, the group of business and land owners battling the re-development, said hailed the ruling.

“You still have land that is contaminated, that doesn’t have any infrastructure,” said attorney Mike Rikon, who represents the group. “There are no sewers — sanitary or storm — in that area. So they would have an enormous undertaking.”


Anonymous said...


Fine job in kicking King Bloomberg
and Countess Shulman in their royal asses!

That post rainfall photo makes Willets Point
look like Venice...sans historic buildings.

Now it would be nice if Shulman would do some jail time....or is that too much to ask of the courts?

Anonymous said...

we will stop the build

Anonymous said...

wpu , keep up the great work , kill these guys and stop the mets plan

Jerry Rotondi said...

Good job WPU.
Apparently, justice can only be obtained in the courts.

You are doing the work
that some of our elected officials (past and present) should have spearheaded.

We all want to see
an environmental impact assessment done.


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