Sunday, May 6, 2012

Wonder what he's hiding?

From the AP:

The city's overhauled 911 system is beset by delays and errors that could leave callers without help for crucial seconds in an emergency, while the fire and police departments aren't collaborating on how to handle a surge in calls from a massive crisis such as a terrorist attack, a report said.

Mayor Michael Bloomberg's office released an edited version of a consultants' report on Friday. His administration is fighting legal efforts to force it to release earlier versions. When the New York Post first wrote about the report last month, it described a 216-page document, but the version released Friday had 133 pages.


Steve Behar said...

Sounds like Nixon!

Suzannah B. Troy artist said...

ECTP 911 Tech way bigger fraud and scam than CityTime cover-ups which so far have been swept under the rug for 500 million when we should have gotten a billion dollars back -- long story but ECTP simple math we were robbed more than a billion -- bigger story hidden in plain sight.

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