Here are some choice highlights of a NY1 interview Liz Crowley recently gave.
"We're out there everyday, mornings at train stops, afternoons at senior centers in the evening we're knocking on doors."
So she's out there spending all of her time running for congress (and apparently flying to Israel to study unemployment)? How much time is she spending at her city council job?
Around 5:08, she claims, "We want to be like the next Silicone Valley."
"Silicone Valley" is the nickname given to the San Fernando Valley in California, where the vast majority of our country's hardcore porn is created. I think the genius meant to say Silicon Valley.
The screenshot is from the precious moment when she proudly claimed, "I've worked with my hands in the past."
Yes, we know.
The phrase "an accident waiting to happen." comes to mind. I hope that someone walks with her when she's crossing the street.
Holy crap, this is one dumb cluck.
Even if "dizzy" Lizzy spent 24/7/365 at her city council job...and tapped all of her brainpower...she'd still be "out to lunch" most of the time.
Are hers real or pumped?
Good grief...
this is what passes for a typical Queens candidate.
And they
actually manage to get elected.
Can you imagine what passes
for a typical Queens voter?
I'm outta this borough
as soon as I can afford it!
Marge Markey is high caliber
compared to this dope.
It seems that Queens has gotten
all of Staten Island's rejects...
dontcha think?
Let's hope that Terri Osborne
doesn't decide to run for public office...groan!
Of all the things
that don't belong in Lizzy's mouth,
intelligent dialogue isn't one of them.
She was at 71st / Continental Ave. yesterday. Her SUV with city council plates was illegally parked on 71st, right in front of the Duane Reade, while she stood in front of the subway entrance shaking hands. I don't think she was even giving out lit. Way to campaign!
Crapper, your correction of a one-letter slip up is fine, but you're crossing the line with your sexual innuendo. Guess you're not the gentleman I thought you were.
Ya gotta be kidding. All pols are whores. This one got where she is by sleeping with a thief and because of her last name. An absolute zero of a record of service prior to that.
Again, you have an alternative: Lancman.
I can personally vouch for the fact that the jobs she used to do with her hands were top notch.
Except for the “Silicone” mistake (most NY’s didn’t even catch) she really wasn't that bad. Of course, Errol let her spit out her stump speech without any difficult questions, but she looks nice and can lie as good as the next guy. She could win!!!
Uh, honey...
that's a microphone,
not a dildo.
Behave yourself.
Yes, unfortunatly you are right! She will win. She is no stupider than the rest of the morons running and she's much easier on the eyes.
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