Monday, May 7, 2012

Let's blow more dough on bike lanes!

Here's yet another example of a Bloomberg administration press release regurgitated as a news "article." The gist of it is, "Hey, we have some money to throw down the toilet and don't feel like making improvements that will actually benefit anyone, so we came up with a 'greenway' that doesn't actually go along the shore (because there's powerplants and stuff there) or connect anything that anyone would want to go to."

Just read the first 3 comments on the Daily News piece and you'll understand what a joke this is.


bike commuter said...

Great news. I bike along here all the time. These new bike routed will be extremely useful.

Anonymous said...

You can't move power plants, dude, so what's your point? If the bike lanes need to go around them, that's better than no bike lane at all.

Anonymous said...

Wait till Jimmy Van Bramer puts in a wall of 40 story buildings and Noguchi 'envisions' a network of zip lines.

Of course, by then you would have married and moved up to New Canaan.

Anonymous said...

No one uses the bike lanes we have now, so why are we making more? Vernon is a dead zone.

Anonymous said...

If they want to make transport more efficient and serve a lot more people, bring back the bus service that was eliminated. Children, seniors, workers all use that.

Anonymous said...

Why exactly are more bike lanes necessary? Shouldn't we be encouraging people to take mass transit instead of encouraging them to not use it?

Anonymous said...

Hipster pandering.

Anonymous said...

But hipsters don't even vote.

Anonymous said...

So they want to build a bike lane on the water from roosevelt is. bridge to rainey park? that's going to cost a huge amount of money.

Why did they need to close rainey for this work? the entire park is closed - the current unused bike lane passes by it. If someone wants to stop at a mexican BBQ they can just get off their bike and walk 5 feet and be in the park. Why the hell does the entire park need to be closed and modified for this?

And what the hell are they going to do at astoria park? Close the whole park too, for the sake of building something for the 10 cyclists a day that would use it?

Also laughable is the around-the-waterfront path near astoria projects - YES - Please build this one. I'd love to see white hipsters using that path to go straight into that dead end corner of astoria where they'll be robbed raped and beaten. It's just the sort of economic stimulus that part of town needs.

Anonymous said...

More green removed more park space wasted
No place to enjoy peace quite in the City of New York. We don't need bike lanes we need less
Illegal aliens less people double dipping welfare
finances. Lower gas prices lower MTA fares.
Need for salary hikes. More medical for families
American citizen And legal citizen.

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