Sunday, May 6, 2012

Hiram heading to hoosegow

From Crains:

Hiram Monserrate, a controversial former politician from Queens, admitted Friday to sending more than $100,000 in City Council funds to a nonprofit that he used as a front group to finance his bid for state Senate. He faces up to 27 months in prison.

In 2005 and 2006, he directed $300,000 in discretionary money to the Latino Initiative for Better Resources and used more than a third that cash to bolster his failed run for office, according to details of a plea agreement reached with federal prosecutors in Manhattan.

While he was seeking the Democratic nomination to run for Senate in 2006, the then-councilman directed employees of the nonprofit to do work for his campaign, for which the organization paid them thousands of dollars, an investigation by the city's Department of Investigation revealed.

The nonprofit also used the council money to conduct a voter registration drive in the Senate district where Mr. Monserrate was campaigning, providing the list of registered voters to his campaign but “deliberately delaying” its release to the state Board of Elections. That provided an “unfair advantage” to the campaign, according to the plea agreement reached with the United States Attorney's Office for the Southern District of New York.

Mr. Monserrate directed the organization to use the council money to pay workers to gather signatures to get him on the ballot, and to canvass residents of the Queens district on his behalf.


Anonymous said...

is not democrat dictatorship grand ? soon there may not be enough jail cells for the civilian criminals, with all the dem inmates going up the river.

what flavor koolade are the dems drinking,especially in Queens ?

Anonymous said...

What a creep. This low life deserves what he gets.

Anonymous said...

What about the other Albany State legislators? shouldn't they be under investigation?

Anonymous said...

They should lessen the penalties for POLS doing this just like those who were convicted of drug use of heroin under the Rockefeller laws.

After all they only committed crimes that hurt themselves, so they should not be clogging up our prisons. Instead they should be out under-supervison of the Party leader who hired them in the first place - Rep Joe Crowley!

Anonymous said...

Should have happened years ago, when he was a cop in the 111 Pct.

Anonymous said...

I got a mailer in 2010 from toby stavisky stateing that she was fighting corruption by having hiram kicked out of the senate. At least someone is fighting corruption up in albany. Thanx toby.

Anonymous said...

Anon said:
"I got a mailer in 2010 from toby stavisky stateing that she was fighting corruption by having hiram kicked out of the senate. At least someone is fighting corruption up in albany. Thanx toby."
Hiram's opponent was Jose Peralta, whose campaign was run by Toby's son Evan Parkside Group.

Anonymous said...

What goes around comes around........Where's the girlfriend?

Anonymous said...

girl friend heard that the big money was now in cartenega,colombia ,and is visiting soon.

Anonymous said...

Guess who will be the next?

georgetheatheist said...

hoose-gow n. Slang a jail [<MexSp jusga(d)o jail (Sp: court of justice, orig. ptp of jusgar, to judge), L judicatum = judic- (s.of judex) judge + atum -ate]

This site is s-o-o-o educational.

Anonymous said...

I hope he gets raped in jail for being an ex-cop who hits women.

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