Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bloomberg's war on small businesses

From the NY Post:

A Health Department inspector bizarrely slapped a Brooklyn bagel shop with $1,650 in fines — because sesame and poppy seeds fell to the floor while the bagels were being made during working hours.

The owner of B&B Empire Bagel Cafe — who appealed the violations and lost at two separate hearings — says the inspectors must have holes in their heads.

How is he supposed to make seeded bagels without some of the tiny goods spilling onto the ground?

Still, city regulators were unsympathetic.

A Health Department spokeswoman said the bagel shop was cited on Oct. 23, 2011, for “a heavy accumulation of seeds in the same area that many mouse droppings were found.”

No mice were detected in an earlier inspection on Aug. 1, 2011, and none were found in the latest inspection on April 5, when B&B was awarded the highest cleanliness grade of “A.”

Now, Gormakh and his son, Max, 34, have invested close to $900,000 in larger stainless steel preparation tables — in hopes of containing seed fallout — and an expensive water-filter vacuum to suck up the seeds from the floor.


Anonymous said...

$900,000 for stainless steel prep tables? Wow now that's a rip off...

Anonymous said...

The city has to get money to pay for all those no bid consultant contracts that Bloomberg is letting to justify the kickbacks he's been getting, so he uses the enforcement of BS rules and regs, by DOH,Sanitation,FDNY,DEP and NYPD to make up the shortfall.Don't forget that once he's gone, we'll all still be paying for his largesse!

Anonymous said...

You didn't know? the Black Plague in the Middle Ages started when sesame and poppy seeds fell to the floor during bagel preparations, which were eaten by rats, etc....

Anonymous said...

fu--ing city , time to move or start voting these assholes out

Anonymous said...

Time to shut down Sh*tty Hall ,Tweed and 1 PP. banes of our existence!F Bloomturd and his stinking money grubbing micromanagement of BS that nobody gives a rodent's rectum about!

Joe said...

Bloomberg likes mom & pop small business as much as Obama like Sheriff Joe.

Working class Queens needs to turn off the TV, Ball games and get off their asses and vote in November or they will be screwed forever.
Democrats are harder then getting rid of bed bugs & cockroaches like my grandfather fire Chief used to say.
Its almost at the guaranteed point of no return right now

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