Sunday, April 3, 2011

Schools still bursting at the seams

From the Daily News:

More than 3,100 kindergartners have been waitlisted at their local schools - almost 1,000 more than last year, new data released by the city Wednesday shows.

The biggest overcrowding problem is once again in Corona, Queens, but the upper East Side, West Side and downtown sections of Manhattan, as well as Brownstone Brooklyn, are also swimming in displaced kids.

Hmmm...I wonder why Corona. Oh wait, that's right, the majority of people who live there are illegals. And we build schools in other neighborhoods to accommodate them instead of in Corona, which makes lots of sense.


Anonymous said...

You could build skyscrapers full of classrooms and never accommodate all of the illegals kids - there would be over-flow. This was always the case for over 50 years Carona has been bussing kids to Maspeth, Elmhurst and Middle Village. That's why we have all the graffiti issues in these areas. The police presence is not increase when thousands of these kids troop through the neighborhoods on their way back home (they walk) especially during warm spring weather.

Solve the issue of over-crowding - NO GREEN CARD,NO SCHOOL.

Anonymous said...

Corona really is a shithole. Take a ride through there some time.

Anonymous said...

Neighborhood schools should be attended by neighborhood kids. People move into neighborhoods for the schools and then are told that their kids can't attend them. If you pay taxes for your neighborhood, your kids should reap the benefit of going to school there. Why not build schools only for illegals? Put them in their neighborhoods and let them take their ESL classes and study their cultures, since they refuse to assimilate. You would be able to gauge how well these schools do on their test scores. Meanwhile, most neighborhood schools could get back to teaching the basics and the kids could actually learn something.

Queens Crapper said...

It's more than just not learning the language. Back home, most people make it to 3rd or 4th grade. They aren't even literate in their own language. Talk to an older immigrant from a Central American country and he or she will tell you that when you were old enough to hold a rake or shovel, it meant school was over and you were going to help the family make money. They live hardscrabble lives, I don't blame them for wanting to come here, but old habits die hard. If education is not valued where you come from, you're not likely to respect it in a new land. The parents of these kids can't help them with their homework and have no idea how their kids are doing in school.

Anonymous said...

I don't have a problem with immigrants coming to this country for a better life. My problem is with them coming here illegally and expecting the taxpayers to support them. People who come here legally do respect our educational system and make sure their kids get good grades and learn the language. The illegals don't want to assimilate. Most don't care about education. They only care about making money and sending it home so more illegals can come here. Until the government cracks down on illegal immigration, our schools will never be what they once were.

Anonymous said...

QC is correct. Asking people who for generations were uneducated peasants in Mexico or Ecuador to become middle class and American in less than ten years is asking for a lot. People of Queens who don't want them as neighbors have left, and will continue to leave Queens. I can't blame the people who leave either -- when more than 75% of your new neighbors can't speak English, it can be a challenge.

Anonymous said...

Why do they need all these school when, according to the Census, we have fewer people in Queens? lol

Anonymous said...

The fact is, the US government has no intention of stopping illegal aliens. This is how they will create the North American Union of the U.S., Canada & Mexico. They want hordes of central americans to invade so the plan can commence.

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