Monday, April 4, 2011

Illegal alien found guilty of cop shootings

From the Queens Gazette:

A Queens jury last week convicted an illegal immigrant who shot two police officers and tried to shoot a third officer inside a Queensbridge subway station three years ago.

Raul Nunez, 35, a native of the Dominican Republic, was found guilty of two counts of attempted manslaughter, one count of assault and criminal possession of a weapon for an attack that forced one officer to retire at age 28 due to the severity of his injuries.

Trial testimony revealed that officers spotted Nunez at about 5:10 p.m. on Oct. 21, 2008 entering a turnstile at the 21st Street and 41st Avenue station in Long Island City using a student MetroCard.

NYPD Officers Jason Maass and Shane Farina stopped Nunez on the station platform and asked to see the MetroCard and his identification. When Nunez replied that he did not have identification, the officers cuffed his left wrist, Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said. Before the cops could cuff his right wrist, Nunez fought back and his actions forced Nunez and the two officers to tumble to the platform, where Nunez grabbed Maass’ 9mm handgun and shot both officers.

Law enforcement sources said Nunez now has no reason to fear he will be forced to leave the U.S. He faces more than 50 years in a New York state prison when he is sentenced on April 7.


Anonymous said...

Its gonna cost the taxpayer over $60,000 a year to jail this POS

By law a jail must provide, food, programs, healthcare, dental & physiological care.
A bullet through the head at the Mexican border would have been much cheaper.

Thank Mike Bloomberg for inviting this animal here.
$60,000 a year for 50 years do the math

Anonymous said...

the teddy kennedy,lyndon b.johnson, immigration and naturalization act of 1965 hits home again,tragically.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
the teddy kennedy,lyndon b.johnson, immigration and naturalization act of 1965 hits home again,tragically.

Old man, that is pure B.S. as per usual.

While immigration over all increased substantially between 1965 and the mid-eighties, it was the "The Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986" that really opened the flood gate to Latin America.

That 'reform' was passed by your hero Reagan -not out of altruism for the downtrodden, no, his backers wanted a flood of cheap labor to beat down what was left of the trade labor movement.

Now, those people are here and will eventually become citizens and in the words of that nutcase Pat Buchanan "once that happens, it's the end of the republican party"

What goes around....

Anonymous said...

Put him in a rowboat past the 3 mile limit and let the sharks have a meal.

Anonymous said...

"Oh Pancho"!

"Oh Cisco"!

"What we gonna do with this hombre"?

Anonymous said...


An idea whose time has come!

let me see your papers...Juan, Xhiang, Boris.

Use photo ID social security cards as proof of citizenship at the polls.

That would eliminate voting fraud.

Anonymous said...

$60,000 a year?

Not from my pocket!

Put Senor Nunez in a chain gang!

Let him work to feed himself!

My refrigerator is closed!

Anonymous said...


Import Asians into the neighborhoods of color and drive out the low life.

Isn't that the plan that the politicians used in "Flushing" (and now planning for Corona)?

Anonymous said...

RETURN TO SENDER...address unknown!

Drop him from a plane over his country of origin.

Parachute optional.

Anonymous said...

" I love this country. It's like one big pussy"!

Al Pacino as Tony Montana..."Scarface".

9mm Cop said...

"Come and say hello too my little friend".

Anonymous said...

Now he gets to stay with no issues

Anonymous said...

"the officers cuffed his left wrist, Queens District Attorney Richard A. Brown said. Before the cops could cuff his right wrist, Nunez fought back and his actions forced Nunez and the two officers to tumble to the platform, where Nunez grabbed Maass’ 9mm handgun and shot both officers."

Uncanny officers we have here. He's able to fight back, make the officers "tumble" to the platform and take a gun from an officer and SHOOT THEM BOTH.

We need to hire better officers. The "long island boys" just aint cuttin it no mo.

Anonymous said...

Where were the cops' stun guns up their asses with their brains?

The perp should have been zapped immediately as soon he started acting up!

Right on fella...those Long Island commuter cops NYC is hiring don't have any street smarts!

Anonymous said...

Somebody will "off" Raul in prison.

I'm sure the cops are working on that contract right now.

Anonymous said...

Good thing it didn't happen in the 109th precinct's turf.

Those Flushing cops only use their hands to collect Asian bribe money...not to restrain perps.

And the Chinese whores hold their dicks for them.

No need for any hand work there either!

Anonymous said...

How many of the people convicted since 1961 to sentences of 50 years to life are still in prison?

To believe that Nunez will be in a New York prison in 2061 is a fantasy.

Anonymous said...

He's illegal? let him serve his sentence at Guatanamo, where the military will not be lenient like NY State jails.

Anonymous said...

re: U.E.S. limousine liberal, restauranteur,
do you mean he let the cheap labor into this country,so you could have "off the books",illegal alien bike delivery jockeys, work to support your lavish lifestyle ?

who let the majority south east asian ,illegal aliens into the U.S.,
with a few europeans in 1965 ?

Anonymous said...

"do you mean he let the cheap labor into this country,so you could have "off the books",illegal alien bike delivery jockeys, work to support your lavish lifestyle ?"


Anonymous said...


Import Asians into the neighborhoods of color and drive out the low life.

Isn't that the plan that the politicians used in "Flushing" (and now planning for Corona)?
It's nice to know that I am perceived to be a commodity. FML Are you Asian? I'm just curious. I'm not mad btw, maybe offended but not mad.

Anonymous said...

The "Long Island Boys" is what you called them. Just a Cop that was almost taken from my family by someone that doesn't belong here or trying to fight for at least he thought an important thing his freedom. You say that they are not good cops, let me know when you are risking your life for the public and I would of loved to see what you would of done! Oh I forgot thats right they need our Long Island Boys because too many scared BIG MOUTHS to take the job in the city that they need the Long Island Boys. God Bless the Long Island Boys!!

Anonymous said...

The "Long Island Boys" is what you called them. Just a Cop that was almost taken from my family by someone that doesn't belong here or trying to fight for at least he thought an important thing his freedom. You say that they are not good cops, let me know when you are risking your life for the public and I would of loved to see what you would of done! Oh I forgot thats right they need our Long Island Boys because too many scared BIG MOUTHS to take the job in the city that they need the Long Island Boys. God Bless the Long Island Boys!!

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