Friday, April 1, 2011

Don't piss on borough hall!

From the parking garage at Queens Borough Hall.

42 comments: said...

Zat vas a pisser! Zat vas vere I vent after I vas reading all der chokes here. Hahr-hahr-hahr!

Anonymous said...

Why isn't that sign translated into Spanish?

Anonymous said...

May I defecate there instead?

Anonymous said...

And why not?

Queens Borough Hall continues to pee on us residents while it gently wipes and powders the bums of developers!

Do we really need the office of borough president?

Their main purpose seems to be to grease over development not to serve the interests of its constituency.

Anonymous said...

Spanish translation not needed.

Illegal Latinos will piss where they please anyway.

Get a whiff of some alleyways in Jackson Heights (South) and Corona.

Moby Stavisky said...

Uy, vey...that was my favorite spot.

Wee Pee herman said...

Yep...park & squat!

Alan Hevesi said...

Ouch...I just snagged my schvance in my zipper!

Flushing Phantom said...

Hold it for the big conference room table then let loose during a land use meeting!

Anonymous said...

Like the voting ballot, the sign should be translated in Korean, Chinese, and Spanish.

Anonymous said...

Where did Donald Manes relieve himself?

Anonymous said...

You left out Russian, Erdu...uh...and Ebonics!

"We done wiz where we wants to"!

Anonymous said... comes da Wiz!

Anonymous said...

Ka-ka, doodie, poo-poo!

That's what I think of burro hall!

Anonymous said...

It all comes out in the wash and winds up in the Flushing River!

Wee Willie's Winkie said...

Also known as the judges' golden shower stall.

Ever hear the one about the two gay judges who tried each other?

Anonymous said...

Jes go wit da flow.

My flo's linoleum.

Mop 'n wipe.

Granny Shulman said...

Am I permitted to change my diapers there?

Anonymous said...

No wonder that corner has a lot of empty parking spaces.

Anonymous said...

DA Brown has been complaining that the soles of his expensive "elevator" shoes get too sticky on his way to court....ughhh!

Evan said...

"Before I found my lifelong mate...
I've paused at times here to ejaculate".

Anonymous said...

Just tells you the sort of people the Tweeder outreach programs attracts to borough hall.

But who cares where the piss as long as they are pliant tools to let the machine crap all over us.

Anonymous said...

Helen can't you hold already!

Anonymous said...

Evan said...
"Before I found my lifelong mate...
I've paused at times here to ejaculate".

Come again?

Claire Shillman said...

What's the problem? My used bloomers smell much worse!

Anonymous said...

The people who piss in the parking lot are not going to stop and read the signage before letting go. Besides do you really think they can read the sign and understand it?

This is Queens - Universal signage is needed to be politically correct.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

This sign should be hanging on the Queensbound side of the Ed Koch Bridge.

Anonymous said...

THanks to our April Fools Snow Job Blizzard

Anonymous said...

"We didn't piss on Queens Borough Hall, Queens Borough Hall pissed on us!"

Malcom 10

Helen Marshill said...

Here I squat
Broken hearted
I went to pee
But only farted

Anonymous said...

Farts are her middle name. Did you ever here her speak in public?
One gaseous emanation after another.

Le Pisseur said...

Mon ami,
the stench of corruption at Queens Borough Hall is far worse.

Oui, oui?

Anonymous said...

Oops, Toby Ann just tinkled into her Enna Jetticks reading all this.

Wasn't there once a porn star named Sally Sprinkles (the golden girl)?

Maybe it's her.

Anonymous said...

Vibrant, colorful, bustling, diverse outdoor public lavatory!

Mark this location on Queens' tourism map Mr. Seth Borenstein...borough hall hack!

Jerry Rotondi said...

I had no idea how many responses that my humble photo would inspire when I first phoned it in to Queens Crap.

Tweedle Dee said...

Jerry Rotondi said...
I had no idea how many responses that my humble photo would inspire when I first phoned it in to Queens Crap.

What did you expect? You can't be "flushing" a wall. I just wonder how many thousands of dollars went into someone's pocket for making that sign!!!

Tweedle Dum said...

"Near the manager's office"???

Uh oh I pee peed in the office...and no one noticed!!!

Anonymous said...

Those illegals always piss everywhere even where they get their handouts from!

Anonymous said...

Wasn't there once a porn star named Sally Sprinkles (the golden girl)?


Her name was Annie Sprinkles.

georgetheatheist said...

Can't anyone get anything right around here?

Jeez. She spells it Annie Sprinkle.

This site is s-o-o-o educational.

And while we're at it how many of you bald guys in the front row remember the great Honeysuckle Divine, who billed herself as "the World's Dirtiest Broad"? She used to pop ping pong balls from her vagina into the audience. Now that would be an act to get SRO in Queens Theatre in the Park! (Helen Marshall, Toby Stavisky, Claire Shulman, I hear, are wannabee understudies.)

Anonymous said...

You left out Russian, Erdu...uh...and Ebonics!

"We done wiz where we wants to"!
Illegal Latinos will piss where they please anyway.
Generalizations and stereotypes become the foundation for prejudice and racism. I can't stand people who have views like you two. Creatures like you are UGLY on the inside and probably have little to no TRUE friends because you harbor such negative feelings. Do the world a favor. Run out of your house. Stand in the middle of the road and wait for a car to come full throttle at you. :) People liek you don't deserve to exist. Your life is meaningless and won't be missed.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, maybe I overreacted a bit in the last comment by telling you two to go die because no life is really meaningless. Even if disgusting creatures like you died tomorrow, I would feel bad. So I would like to retract that statement, but I still hate you dark fiends.

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