Mayor Bloomberg has been bearing the brunt of the blame for the lackluster post-blizzard clean-up, but one state lawmaker thinks there’s more than enough of that to go around with a share belonging to outgoing Gov. David Paterson.
Assemblyman Bill Colton, a Brooklyn Democrat, said Paterson should have declared a state of emergency after the storm, following New Jersey’s lead, arguing that would have allowed for the mobilization of resources – from the National Guard, for example – to help the city with its sub-par snow removal effort.
“I think the governor clearly had a responsibility to, at the very minimum, call the mayor and say: Do you need help? Should we call a state of emergency? At the very minimum, the governor should have done that,” Colton told me during a brief telephone interview this afternoon.
“There should at least have been a discussion of whether it was needed.”
When I noted Paterson has one foot out the door (although he has managed to find the time to issue more than a few pardons and a commutation), Colton replied:
“The reality is the snow occurred a week ago and it would seem to be that he’s got to keep his hand on the helm of the ship.”
But Bloomberg is such a great manager. Wouldn't an offer of help be considered an insult???
Bloomberg and all the assholes he hired to run this city are shitheads. This isn't anything new he's been shitting on the working class ever since he became the Mayor.All he is is a little man chasing a big legacy. He is a failure.
"I think the governor had a responsibility to, at the very minimun, call the mayor . . ."
Call him where? Bermuda? On the mayor's jet plane?
I haven't heard or read anywhere just where the mayor was on Saturday, Dec. 25, when the National Weather Service had predicted the severity of the storm and even the MTA was gearing up for something big. The NYTimes reported that Sadik-Kahn and Doherty were putting their heads together as to whether to call a Snow Emergency. Was Bloomberg in on this? Physically? On the hot line? Or not at all?
Where was Bloomberg? The "captain" of the ship?
This is a bit of a stretch. Who did Colton support in the last mayoral election?
It seems the rest of the state did fine digging out. Maybe Bloomberg should have called Albany and asked for help. Yea right!!!HaHaHaHaHa
When I noted Paterson has one foot out the door (although he has managed to find the time to issue more than a few pardons and a commutation), Colton replied:
“The reality is the snow occurred a week ago and it would seem to be that he’s got to keep his hand on the helm of the ship.”
Helm? What's that? My buddies need pardons, so pardon me!
Helm? What's that? My buddies need pardons, so pardon me!
I didn't see that coming!
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