Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Terror suspect caught at JFK

From Eyewitness News:

Federal authorities arrested the suspected Times Square bomber early Tuesday.

Police say 30-year-old Faisal Shahzad, a naturalized American citizen from Pakistan who lived in Bridgeport, Connecticut, was taken into custody at JFK International Airport around midnight. He was caught while apparently trying to leave the country.

Customs agents took Shahzad without a fight as he tried to board a flight to Dubai. The parking area near Terminal 4 was also sealed off as police searched for explosives. Federal officials say at least three other people close to Shahzad are also under scrutiny in connection with the case.

Federal authorities say they tracked Shahzad over the last two days using evidence from the Nissan Pathfinder left in Times Square. Investigators say Shahzad bought the vehicle a week before the bombing attempt, through a Craig's List ad placed by a family in Connecticut.

Shahzad took the Pathfinder on a test drive in the parking lot of a Bridgeport shopping center, then paid $1,300 for it in $100 bills. The FBI reportedly has a mall surveillance tape of Shahzad driving the car.

Shahzad was questioned for hours by federal agents at Kennedy Airport after he was taken into custody. During questioning, sources say he made statements to federal authorities that he had acted alone. Nonetheless, federal officials continue to track the three associates who may have helped him.

Shahzad is expected to make his first appearance in Federal Court later Tuesday.

Shahzad was taken off Emirates Air Flight 202 to Dubai, which had already left the gate with him on board when federal authorities stopped the plane.

He and two other unnamed passengers were taken off. The plane was then searched. The flight, delayed for seven hours, is now is expected to depart at around 6 a.m.

Shahzad's white Izuzu Trooper was seized the airport, and authorities say a gun was found in the car.


ew-3 said...

Another one of those wild and crazy Amish folk.

Anonymous said...

Now they need to take a blowtorch to this MF to find out what he knows and who his buddies are. I fear that Obama and his boy Holder will not have the guts to do what is necessary to protect the American people.

Lino said...

"Anonymous said...
Now they need to take a blowtorch to this MF to find out what he knows and who his buddies are."

That's the stuff the mafia does. What an un-American creep you are.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, I don't concur with the blowtorch, but torture is not totally out of the question.

If they have to waterboard, use truth serum, whatever professionals in this area use, its not too much. Remember, there are almost certainly other bombs either hidden or about to be made and distributed. We were lucky this time, we might not be next time.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

They were so quick to tell us a few days ago that it was a white male.

Queens Crapper said...

So the suspect thought they were following a dead end.

faster340 said...

Just like a roach scurrying back to the darkness.

Cowards! All of them!!!!!

Rick Blaine said...

Stupid moments in criminal investigation:

Charles Moose, Montgomery County Police Chief during the Beltway Sniper Attacks, October 2002 - "Be on the lookout for a white van with white guys."

Michael Bloomberg, NYC Mayor, during interview with Katie Couric on the Times Square bombing attempt - "Home-grown, maybe a mentally deranged person or somebody with a political agenda that doesn't like the health care bill or something. It could be anything."

Anonymous limp-wristed Idiot, Queens Crap blog, May 3, 2010 - "What if the IRA pulled this off, those are terrorists and we aren't killing them. It could have been Basques too, what do you know? The fact that some of you immediately assume it is a Muslim just shows how bigoted you are."

Brilliant Moments in Police Work:

Captain Louis Renault, Gendarmerie Nationale, Casablanca, Morocco-


Ridgewood Mike said...

Leaving aside the fact that torture isn't reliable (wouldn't you say anything to make it stop, even if you knew nothing?), when we start torturing American citizens before their trial, then the constitution really means nothing.

Nobody called out for Tim McVeigh to be tortured. We treated him right -- convicted him and executed him.

Anonymous said...

Torture is often quite reliable, although savage. The Nazis used it very successfully in World War II to round up members of the White Rose resistance movement as well as an entire allied spy-ring in the Netherlands.

So far as your distaste goes, fine as long as you also accept responsibility for the innocent blood that will be shed if we do not interrogate successfully and bombs explode.

Do you remember the Chechen Separatists who mined the school? How about the people in the theater?

If torture would have exposed those plots, it would have saved lives. These are not ordinary criminals. If US soldiers can be water-boarded in training exercises, similar tactics can be used on terrorist thugs.

Anonymous said...

I prefer the "illegal Mexicans" over these elite Dubai Muslims neday! At least Mexicans are not trying to blow up cars.

me said...


This guys immigration papers and identification were all in order so cracking down on "illegals" won't do anything. No Mexican ever called me "infidel".

Anonymous said...

Why did he go to Pakistan recently? 5 bucks says its to drop off his wife, son and daughter. Why was he going to Dubai? No doubt to report back to his gulf-arab handlers. they should extradite them back to the US (if not as co-conspirators then as material witnesses) and all four of them should be held at Guantanamo. Intelligence gleaned would be more useful too, just the threat of torture against his family will likely result in actionable intel. It's high time we pushed the pause button on immigration from these countries. These people are not assimilating.

Juan Mann said...

No Mexican ever called me "infidel".

Don't worry gringo, we will!

Anonymous said...

I seriously would prefer that the terrorist be some white leftist guy than a brown muslim.

This is going to make warmongering so much easier now.

me said...

"I seriously would prefer that the terrorist be some white leftist guy than a brown muslim.

This is going to make warmongering so much easier now."



"Nine alleged members of a radical US Christian militia group accused of plotting to wage war against the US have been freed from jail on bond."

Anonymous said...

So the suspect thought they were following a dead end.
Yeah, OK!

-Joe said...

That's the stuff the mafia does.

Yes because it works. Im all for putting this MF head in a vise and taking a blowtorch to him.
If it saves 3000 American lives.
These maggots aren't even humans, or animals. How many live stock get a bolt to the brain on some conveyor belt each day ?

F_ Obama and his PC Berkley Bunch. Wasnt Bloomberg at dinner with Obama in DC when this happened ?
Useless Janet "Arizona" Napolitano's on TV now taking credit for the work of the NYPD and a T Shirt vendor.

The fact is this device and its builder made it into "Ground Zero" undetected is unacceptable.
It just didn't go off

Ridgewood Mike said...

@anonymous: It's not distaste, it's respect for the law. Yes, the Nazis tortured. Didn't win them the war, though.

There's a big difference between voluntarily undergoing a training exercise where you know the outcome and a doctor is standing by and being tortured by an enemy that has you completely in its power. If you doubt that, just ask yourself which situation you'd rather be in, if you had to choose.

What the founders understood is that if you give these powers to the government without judicial oversight, they WILL BE misused. Cops aren't perfect. They'll be wrong sometimes, even when they think they're right.

Anonymous said...

No, the Nazis didn't win the war but they still successfully rolled up a lot of the opposition. Winning the war wasn't the criteria anyway, it was gathering accurate information and that they did in spades.

Offensive though the example may be, it still proves that everyone who is tortured is not an innocent babbling nonsense, when the information is there, it will be spilled given the correct techniques.

Anonymous said...

"Nobody called out for Tim McVeigh to be tortured. We treated him right -- convicted him and executed him."

How do you know what "we" did?

Anonymous said...

Time for the Feds to monitor all incoming and outgoing passenger lists to these radical countries. A simple computer cross check can show who is going back and forth and would give them a leg up on targeting the terrorists. How did this guy get on the plane when he was on the no fly list? Time to plug up all the security holes.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Vices, maggots, blowtorches, aye!

Then have Bloomberg read him an 3-hour presser in Spanish, he'll spill every bean from here to Mecca!

Anonymous said...

The important thing to remember is that we must not judge all Muslims for the actions of one misguided individual.

ew-3 said...

"one misguided individual"


please buy a clue.

check out what is going on all around the world.

we've had 4 muslim terrorist actions happen since H became president. and then there are another 10 or so that never happened, and were just in the "planning stage".

It is not just one individual.

BTW - they caught another 8 individuals in Pakistan that were support the local CT perp.

Anonymous said...

Yeah, anon-2, every other news story pouring in is another prominent Muslim world leader condemning Faisal Shahzad.


Joe said...

The terrorists want people in America to hate Muslim's. Ever notice how snide these maggots are in front of the cameras when caught ?
They need less snitch informants and more on soil recruits to get the job done.

That's my theory anyway

Anonymous said...

"one misguided individual?" are you kidding?

the answer is not to let anymore middle eastern men into the country AT ALL. That's it. And the ones who go to Pakistan for 5 months - they don't get back in.

How stupid is the NYPD when they said, at first, this wasn't a terrorist?

Notice how the car was in front of the South Park building too?

Anonymous said...

"the answer is not to let anymore middle eastern men into the country AT ALL. "

yeah that isn't going to happen. you know what would be easier? for you to get over your racism.

Anonymous said...

oh yeah muslim = race not religion. white people can be muslim too. so you fail twice racist

Deke DaSilva said...

The important thing to remember is that we must not judge all Muslims for the actions of one misguided individual.

Of course, not ALL moslems are terrorists.

But most terrorists ARE moslem!

oh yeah muslim = race not religion. white people can be muslim too. so you fail twice racist

That's true also. Some (in)famous white moslems:

John Walker Lindh AKA Johnny Jihad
Adam Yahiye Gadhan AKA Azzam al Amrika

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