Monday, May 3, 2010

So much for peaceful protest


About an hour later we were heading to a concert on the NYU campus, and started walking down Broadway toward Astor Place. We started hearing lots of police sirens all at once, and then looked straight ahead. There were young guys with baseball bats and Che signs pinned to their backpacks running down the street smashing store windows, all on the west side of Broadway. We stopped dead on a corner, because there were police cars coming from so many different directions the street lights were rendered meaningless. As soon as we stopped, about 6 NYPD units pulled up to our exact corner and the cops jumped out and tackled two of the vandals literally TWO FEET in front of me. Some other officers arrived, jumped out of their cars, and started a crazy foot pursuit of another guy who started running in zig-zags down the middle of Broadway. They tackled him as well, in the middle of the freakin’ street, as cars kept almost hitting everyone involved. It happened incredibly quickly. There were tons of eyewitnesses, and I even saw a few people videotaping, but of course I can’t find mention of this incident anywhere online or in the media. We had about five minutes to get to the concert, so stopping and gawking wasn’t an option. We just kept walking, tried to get away from the whole mess. But we could see and hear police interviewing plenty of witnesses, and heard people say “they just kept breaking windows”, and saw the perps with their faces in the pavement for ourselves. I could describe them to you, but that would be utterly and totally racist.

After we left the concert about an hour and a half later, we noticed NYPD wearing reflective yellow and orange jerseys standing not only at every street corner, but also in front of almost every open business that had a glass storefront. We’re talking businesses several blocks away from the protest. We went back over to Broadway on the way to the subway to look at the stores that had been vandalized. They were cleaned up mostly, but one owner of a costume jewelry store we talked to was very scared. Just as we got there, we heard bullhorns and yelling, and of course, the protest was now starting to make its way down Broadway. They had definitely grown in numbers, as did the number of law enforcement surrounding them. SI SE PUEDE was the chant du jour, and the majority of the signs were about RACISM or apartheid. And Arizona, of course. Forget Workers’ Day, this turned into an almost exclusively Anti-Arizona rally, as it did across the country.

Photos from Berman Post


LibertyBoyNYC said...

"weed prohibition" lol

Right on, Crapper!

Anonymous said...

These people should have been rounded up and thrown in jail. If their legal status was in question, the Immigration & Naturalization people should have stepped in. People think that violent protests against this law will make all the illegals get amnesty. They are wrong. The US can't afford to absord all these illegals, and this would further open the floodgates for more illegals to come in. No one understands the term ILLEGAL. They don't belong here and Arizona is trying to protect its citizens. All this lawlessness will get them no where.

LibertyBoyNYC said...

Of course they were legal. If it was a weekDAY event, then the NYU kiddies would be in class.

Anonymous said...

Every last one of these bums belongs in the hoosegow. In fact, they are just lucky that a freaked-out store owner didn't pull out a shotgun from under the counter and fire into the crowd.

If I was afraid that they would storm into my store and kill me, I might start firing.

Deke DaSilva said...

More from across the U.S.:

“Needless to say, having vast throngs of foreigners march through our cities waving Mexican flags on May Day, the day when the Soviet Politburo used to review a parade of nuclear missiles aimed at America was never exactly a political masterstroke.” – Steve Sailer

kingofnycabbies said...

“Needless to say, having vast throngs of foreigners march through our cities waving Mexican flags on May Day, the day when the Soviet Politburo used to review a parade of nuclear missiles aimed at America was never exactly a political masterstroke.” – Steve Sailer

And don't forget that Earth Day takes place on Lenin's birthday!

Or that the annual Take A Commie Fag Baby-Killer To Lunch Day takes place on President Ronald Wilson Reagan's birthday!

Anonymous said...

I guess it's appropriate when the crazies come out on May Day. After all, isn't that the original symbol for distress, "MayDay, MayDay?"

Anonymous said...

"Every last one of these bums belongs in the hoosegow"

Yep, no shit !
I give those brats plastic bags to clean up the desert and dig a new canal from San Diego to Galveston.
Screw sinking $$ into Panama

Anonymous said...

This was a Pro-ILLEGAL immigration rally. They can try and spin it all they want.

Anonymous said...

Once I saw communist and Free Mumia literature, I knew that I wanted nothing to do with these protests.

Ridgewoodian said...

Anonymous: I guess it's appropriate when the crazies come out on May Day. After all, isn't that the original symbol for distress, "MayDay, MayDay?"

The first of May has been celebrated since time immemorial, often raucously, since it's essentially the beginning of summertime when, as Gershwin and Heward tell us, livin' is easy. It became associated with the labor movement during the second half of the 19th Century, in the aftermath of the Haymarket Affair in Chicago. For over a hundred and twenty years now it’s been International Workers’ Day all over the world, although in this country it’s never been an official holiday. (When our own Labor Day was established in the 1890s it was very specifically not placed on the first of May.) The Soviets, of course, adopted it as a major holiday, but they didn’t originate it. The mayday distress call was originated in the 1920s and was supposedly derived from the French word (m'aider - “help me!”) and was meant to be easily understandable in any language.

Anonymous said...

Dumb idiot kids but I Guess all those "well educated" people spitting and throwing slur's birther crowds were just plants as the right wing conspiracy pages say. Funny.
And those patriots with their guns in front of the White a few weeks ago would never get away with that if they were not fans of Bush during his days in the White house protesting him 2007\8.

ew-3 said...

Well it took 12 comments to finally get a "hate bush" comment.

WTF does bush have to do with any of this?

georgetheatheist said...

1. Hitler's Daughter? My ass. (Left-wing "verrrrmin". - Frank of Queens,

See Godwin's Law:

2. Ridgewoodian, Thanks for the info. See, Folks, this site is indeed s-o-o-o educational!



[x] Male
[x] No, not of Latino, Hispanic, or Spanish origin.
[x] White

420 said...

I feel the need. The need for weed.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


For you maybe...

Anonymous said...

Call it a pro-illegal immigrant rally.

Auntie Invasion said...

To clear up any dissension here.... 420 is slang for pot, marijuana. some people celebrate April 20th as Pot Day. It's also Hitler's birthday.

I agree with the poster who express's concern with regard to the Mexican/South American's who cover their faces with bandannas during public demonstrations. They invade our country illegally and have the nerve to criticize a law that has come about as the result of our legal process?

I appreciate Arizona's law. We need more of that.

What happened to the story about the terrorists from Queens who were planning to blow up the subway? The plead guilty, they live in QUEENS. there are plenty more Al Quadea supporters standing on 61st street in Woodside hustling for car service customers outside the LIRR station.

God Help Us.

Anonymous said...

what you are observing in these photos are deciples of the former W.Village Weather Underground marxists and the Armed Forces of National Liberation(F.A.L.N.). the second, Puerto-Rican pro-nationalist group from 1970's to 1983 killed six and left more than 70 injured in some 150 bombings and armed attacks in N.Y.C. and Chicago and other cities.

a few blocks away on W.11 street and Fifth avenue,on the south side of the street a four story(newer than the rest) building sits. it was the home of Leonard Boudin,(radical lawyer father of Kathy ). she and her marxist radicals decided to build bombs in the brownstone. they blew up prematurely,killing three terrorists who were going to blow up a dance at Fort Dix,N.J.
she served 22 years in prison for the Nyack ,N.Y. Brinks robbery , that left three lawmen dead. they were Peter Paige, Waverly Brown and Edward O'Grady.

the infamous now, Chicago college professor William Ayers was a member of this group of local
\marxist terrorists.

all fellow travelers flocked together. they are masters of deceit.

Anonymous said...

Nice comment there right wing nut about the "marxist's". Remember the Chicago convention in 1968 had agent provateurs working for the police breaking windows which was shown from a Freedom of Information Act request.
And remember the protesters over the escalation of the Vietnam war into Cambodia at Kent state who were shot and killed by the National guard as well as two students at Jackson State Mississippi.

Anonymous said...

Group behind plan for ‘Report an Illegal Day’ speaks out

The group is handing out fliers urging people to turn others in to the authorities on Cinco de Mayo.

Anonymous said...

The media does not want to portray illegals as those who broke the law entering the country and continues to break the law continuously to remain here.

So here is an example of these folks going on a violent rampage without the coverage in the major media print and television market.

We are giving the keys away to our country. If this is the case we should annex Mexico as ours for oil, minerals and labor camps and jettson P-Rico.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, the "right wing nut" is factually correct about the history of the townhouse explosion in the 1970s. I remember when it happened and who was involved. Let me provide some additional information you might like to read if you have a chance:

Family Circle: The Boudins and the Aristocracy of the Left"; By Susan Braudy; Knopf, 460 pp. illustrated; $27.95.)

Kathy was a third generation progressive in a family that included several more sensible members who actually contributed something to this country.

Kevin Walsh said...

Mainstream media: never mind what you're seeing here. The real threat is from the old ladies at the Tea Party rallies.

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