Tuesday, May 4, 2010

QC exclusive: Claire wimps out of NY1 debate

Word comes from my pals at Willets Point United that last week NY1 called their spokesperson, Richard Lipsky, and asked him to debate Claire Shulman about Willets Point. Lipsky accepted but Claire declined. Damn. Would I have enjoyed that!


Anonymous said...

RU kidding?

"Old granny panties" would have crapped in her drawers at the sight of Lipsky!

She'll be compost before that WP project has the chance of a snowball in hell of ever being started!

Her legacy to Queens?


Jeffrey Tastes said...

I don't get what a debate would do. When was the last time issues like this came down to reason? Just keep Ratner out.

Anonymous said...

When is that cunt going to be throw in jail? A benefit to help pay fines for her ILLEGAL activities!!??!?! You do the math.

Anonymous said...

She couldn't make the debate because she had a fitting for her orange jumpsuit. Where is the Federal Government and why are they letting her get away with all her criminal activity?

Anonymous said...

The foxes are guarding the hen house.

If it were Ackerman, then the foxes would be guarding the whore house!

Anonymous said...

How about Lipsky vs. Pinsky instead?

Anonymous said...

How about Lipsky vs. Pinsky instead?

The "sky"'s the limit.

Anonymous said...

How about Lipsky vs. Pinsky, moderated by NY1 political producer Mike Nitzky?

Anonymous said...

How about Lipsky vs. Pinsky, moderated by NY1 political producer Mike Nitzky?

As long as they ignore Evan Stavisky.

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