Saturday, May 1, 2010

Port Authority boss suggests demolition of LaGuardia

From the Daily News:

Port Authority boss Chris Ward said Tuesday that LaGuardia Airport should be torn down - and then completely rebuilt as soon as money is available.

The facility that whisks millions of travelers on their not-so-merry way is a chaotic and unwieldy mess that's not fit for the 21st century, Ward argued.

"LaGuardia should not be the gateway for domestic flights into New York City," Ward told a Crain's New York Business breakfast forum. "It should fundamentally be torn down and rebuilt again."

The stark comments from the PA's executive director seemed to startle business executives at the Grand Hyatt. Demolishing the 72-gate, 680-acre facility has never been publicly debated.

"LaGuardia was built over decades, and it's not the kind of integrated aviation facility that the 21st century really demands," he said.


A. Mused said...

In the interim, Flushing Airport will be reactivated to take the burden off of the neighboring airfields.

Oh by the way, there real is a tooth fairy.

Joe said...

Does Chris Ward Fly a airplane, or even read a flight plan ?
The Runways cant be changed due to air traffic and wind patterns. The tower and all the electronics are new.

Sound fishy since Ward fails to detail his problem with LGA

Anonymous said...

Whether it is old or not, LaGuardia is a functioning airport. Why not wait until the economic climate gets better and then revamp the airport? The Port Authority falls under the jurisdiction of New Jersey and New York State -- both which have no money and feel the need to raise taxes on everything and everybody. I think this project can wait until better fiscal times.

Anonymous said...

How bout they just shutter LGA?

Anonymous said...

Because of noise and pollution it should be closed.

The long slow glide path over Brooklyn & Queens to land makes it all be inevitable that someone from the diverse! vibrant! soup they fly over will have some tricks up their sleave or shuld I say burkas.

Air Fart said...

It is an antiquated airport...BUT...why not use it just for freight and small commercial planes?

Kennedy is the international airport.


It's really all about Newark Airport taking away business from NYC.

We'll...FUCK the Port Authority!

Imagine the pollution (noise & air) that will be generated by a newly constructed La Guardia?

Once again...stick your plans up where the sundon't shine you PA bandits!

Patrick Sweeney said...

Just take the neighborhoods of Steinway, Astoria, LIC, Sunnyside, Woodside, Jackson Heights, Maspeth, Elmhurst, and Corona under eminent domain and expand LaGuardia thereinto. The natural southern boundary of the expanded airport would be the LIE.

The destiny of Glenn Curtis-North Beach Airport and Holmes Airport will not be denied.

Anonymous said...

The destiny of Glenn Curtis-North Beach Airport and Holmes Airport will not be denied.

If only...

Anonymous said...

In the interim, Flushing Airport will be reactivated to take the burden off of the neighboring airfields.

Will the zeppelins return?

Anonymous said...

Upper management just know how to say "do this do that". They don't know SHIT and cannot tell between an airplane and a jet

Honest Abe said...

Will the zeppelins return?

Their names are Toby and Claire!

Cap'n Transit said...

It's been argued that shutting it down for good would actually help air traffic congestion. Braess's paradox in action.

Anonymous said...

Sounds good. Tear her down. By the time she's half rebuilt, she will be obsolete again!

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