Sunday, May 2, 2010

Lackluster participation in census affects Congressional representation

From NBC 4:

Five states — New York, California, Texas, Arizona and Florida — are perilously close to losing out on congressional seats because of lackluster participation in the U.S. census.

The five were average or below average in mailing back 10-question census forms when compared to other states, trailing by as many as 5 percentage points, according to the final census mail-in tally released Wednesday.

Based on recent population trends, New York, California and Texas had been estimated to fall just above the cutoff for the last House seats when they are redistributed next year. Waiting behind them in hopes of picking up additional seats are Arizona and Florida, which are already expected to gain one seat apiece.

Responses from these states also raise a red flag because of their higher shares of residents who are Latinos. The Census Bureau has said one of its main concerns is whether tensions over immigration will discourage Latinos, and particularly illegal immigrants, from participating in the government count. That issue returned to the forefront after Arizona passed a tough immigration enforcement bill.

Latino residents represent a predominant share of the population growth in New York, California, Texas, Arizona and Florida, making up more than 50 percent of total growth since 2000. As a result, those states could face big losses if there isn't full cooperation when the Census Bureau on Saturday begins knocking on the doors of those who did not respond by mail.

Of the five states on the cusp, the biggest potential losers are California and New York, which could have a net loss of one and two House seats, respectively. Texas may end up gaining just three House seats instead of four.


Anonymous said...

Hey aren't these states associated with a higher proportion of illegal immigrants?

Anonymous said...

So much for all the bilingual census takers they're hiring too. I guess people are not much more forthcoming when the worker is from La Raza.

Anonymous said...

If illegal immigrants got this far by avoiding any contact with the government, and with the blessing of 30 years of city government, to never give up their correct name and address, tell me again why the illegal immigrants need to do make an exception this one time.

Anonymous said...

census money means more slush fund for Christine Quinn and her mayoral campaign

Anonymous said...

Illegals would be foolish to partake in the Census. They don't want the government to know any of their info. Once it's in the data base, it's there for good. They wouldn't chance it. They have a lot to lose.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Illegals would be foolish to partake in the Census. They don't want the government to know any of their info. Once it's in the data base, it's there for good. They wouldn't chance it. They have a lot to lose.
Sunday, May 02, 2010
what the hell do ""they"" have to lose ?
as for the loss of 3-4 con-gressonal reps,who cares ?
you think they represent the will of the people ?

Joe said...

They came to me on Seneca ave with that census. I told them to stick it up Bloombergs ass and refused to tell them anything

Why help the bastards get more money when they give Queens ZERO representation.
All the $$ they do gets spent in Manhattan or to baby-sit offspring of illegals. The schools are busting.

Anonymous said...

Why shouldn't the regions of the country which comply with the constitutional requirement for a census get the additional members in the House, and the people hiding in the shadows of Queens not get additional members in the House? Who really has skin in this game? Queens Democrats and no one else.

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