Thursday, May 6, 2010

Cops spared, but not teachers

From NBC 4:

Mayor Michael Bloomberg already said a few weeks ago that he would not lay off police officers due to budget cuts, but now NBCNewYork has learned his executive budget tomorrow will also restore 892 police officer jobs who he planned to eliminate through attrition.

The reconsideration comes following a result of the failed car-bomb plot in Times Square over the weekend.

The plan to reduce headcount by 892 officers was in the mayor's January plan, which is just a preliminary budget. On Thursday Bloomberg will announce the final plan that goes to the city council for negotiation and approval.

How can he afford to spare these cops? Tax revenues are slightly higher than the city's conservative estimates, so a few of the worst budget cuts are off the table.

There are currently approximately 35,000 uniformed officers at NYPD -- nearly 6,000 less than the 40,800 officers the force had in 2001 when Bloomberg was first elected.

The budget cost for restoring the funding for the nearly 900 positions will be about $55 million.

Hey, Bloomberg also is begging for more homeland security funds, although he has no intention of reversing the sanctuary city policy which leaves the city more vulnerable to terrorism.

The teachers won't be spared, however.


Anonymous said...

It's so easy to why we need the Police and Firefighters, but the Mayor thought otherwise, fortunately he has received religion.

If we are not here on this earth without Police or Firefighters for lack of protection, who needs teachers?

This is not to disparage teachers - no way, it only to point out that protection and safety is at the most basic of needs for each human. Once this is achieved, brain nourishment by teachers is vital for longer term survival.

Anonymous said...

Police and fire, by their nature, need to be supervised by the government. If we had real school choice and real privatization of education in K through 12, we would be a lot better off.

Anonymous said...

Cut Christine Quinn's Slush funds not education. Quinn gave Herself a 125% pay raise and increase her staff budget by 110% while FDNY and Teachers faces cuts. She gave hundred of thousand of dollars to the nonprofit the hires her lover/girlfriend. enough. Quinn has got to Go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

the rich don't want the poor to be able to read and write.

Anonymous said...

Police and Firemen are essential to this city -- especially now. They are our first responders when we are under attack from terrorism. Teachers are important, but the UFT could make do if they wanted to. They are the biggest and wealthiest union in the city. They need to stop using the kids for sympathy. Get rid of the Bi-Lingual Program. The kids are taught in their native tongue and never really learn English. Replace that program with Immersion in English. Take the Rubber Room teachers and assign them to Auditoriums to assist the teachers and help in their everyday lessons. Get to the bottom of Christine Quinn's slush fund and use that for the schools. Take the City Council slush funds and budgets and demand full disclosure to ascertain how many millions of dollars are being used to pay lobbyists and developers off. Finally, make every politician and their staffs take a 25% pay cut. After all, they are civil servants and are supposed to help the people that they supposedly serve. We need accountability in government and especially in unions, like the UFT. If all this is done, we'll be rolling in dough.

Anonymous said...

Forget police and firefighters. We need more gleaming towers and sport stadiums...Mayor Moneybags.

Anonymous said...

HE ALREADY CUT NEARLY 6,000 COPS THROUGH ATTRITION!It's gonna be a long, hot,deadly summer.....

Anonymous said...

lock and load

Anonymous said...

What about that campaign promise where 50,000 new jobs are going to be created? Yeah, and the check's in the mail.

Anonymous said...

"Rosemary DeStefano found that out on her doorstep in the Bronx the other day when a Bloomberg volunteer showed up, asking for her vote.

When she complained about how the mayor had the law changed to stay in office, the volunteer recited details of his economic plan. When she persisted, he extolled Mr. Bloomberg’s promise to create 400,000 jobs."

Anonymous said...

Bloomturd didn't forget...his friends!

Anonymous said...

Cops patrol Booklyn Heights.

Teachers patrol Hillcrest High School.

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